Inzegogo rw'Ubutabera

The Justice, Reconciliation, Law & Order Sector is a coordination structure which enables institutions in the Sector to work together effectively towards common objectives, without compromising their operational, legal or constitutional independence.


  1. High level policy coordination and effective prioritisation so that the Justice Sector reform policy is discussed, agreed and communicated to all stakeholders and that scarce resources are used efficiently by prioritising them across the sector; 
  2. Establishment of transparent, clear and accountable mechanisms for oversight, direction and implementation of the Sector Strategy.

 General mission

The general mission of the Justice Sector shall be to strengthen the rule of law to promote good governance and a culture of peace.

Specific mission

  • To ensure universal access to quality Justice; 
  • To ensure the genocide ideology is eradicated and reconciliation mechanisms are reinforced; 
  • To ensure that the rule of law, accountability and human rights are promoted; 
  • To ensure that law and order are maintained and enhanced.

 Members of the Justice Sector

The membership of the Justice Sector at the national level shall be composed of the following public organs:

The Leadership Group may decide on additional members or the withdrawal of members if deemed necessary.

Partner Organisations

  • The Bar Association
  • The professional Bailiffs Body
  • Other local and international Civil Society Organisations actively involved in the Justice Sector.

The Justice Sector Coordination Secretariat:

The Justice Sector Coordination Secretariat is established and placed under the administrative authority of the Ministry in charge of justice. The Justice Sector secretariat shall report directly to the Accounting Officer responsible for the implementation of the Justice Sector Strategy.

Thematic Working Groups:

The Justice Sector Thematic Working Groups are composed of technicians from the Justice Sector institutions and representatives of Civil society organisations, the private sector and development partners. These Thematic Working Groups are following:

  1. Resource Allocation and Expenditures;
  2. Planning, monitoring and evaluation;
  3. Information, Communication and Technology;
  4. Access to Justice; 
  5. Reconciliation, Law and Public Security.

Click here to download the Prime Minister's order No 123/03 of 13/10/2010 establishing the Justice Sector and determining its mandate, structure and functions