ICT Unit
To promote and facilitate the rule of law in the Country by:
- Emphasizing equality of all persons before the law;
- Ensuring judicial institutions are effective in provison of legal services to the public.
Instill the rule of law in the country, put in place a legal framework for good gorvernance, ensuring effective
delivery of legal services, and promote reconciliation among Rwandans
ICT Deptment Strategy and Roles
- Providing the infrastructure for automation,
- Provide governance for the use of the network and operating systems,
- Provide assistance in providing the operational units the functionality they need.
Key Functions
- ICT Policy & Strategy development and implementation
- Provision of hardware & business software tools
- Automation of core services
- Maintain server functions for email, internet, databases, file storage and administration
- Training
- Data management services
- Technical Support Services
- Website design and development
The Unit comprises of :
1. Director of Unit (1)
2. System and Network Administrator (1)
3. Database and Applications Administrator (1)