Construction works of a 208 km Kagitumba-Kayonza- Rusumo road network officially launched

Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. James Musoni and other officials during the launch of Kagitumba-Kayonza- Rusumo road rehabiliatation and widening works.

Kayonza, 08 February, 2018: The Government of Rwanda in partnership with African Development Fund (ADF), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the European Union, on Thursday launched a 208 kilometre Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo road upgrade project.


The launch was officiated by the Minister for Infrastructure, Hon. James Musoni, and graced by His Excellency Nicola Bellomo, the Ambassador of EU delegation in Rwanda, His Excellency Takayuki Miyashita, the Japanese Ambassador to Rwanda, Mrs. Martha Phiri, the African Development Bank (AfDB) Country Representative, and other high officials from Government, development partners, contractors, private operators and local residents.


The main objective of the ongoing rehabilitation and widening of the road network is to improve and develop transport infrastructure to enhance economic growth and contribute to poverty reduction and regional integration between Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.


The road network is part of the bigger multinational Uganda-Rwanda [Busega-Mpigi and Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo] roads project and is considered an important project connecting the Northern Corridor to the Central Corridor. It will contribute to socio-economic development, poverty reduction and regional integration between the three neighbouring East African Community (EAC) countries, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.


Speaking at the function, Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. James Musoni said: “When people have good leadership, nothing is unattainable. We expect a lot in terms of the provincial and the country’s development. The benefits start with employment opportunities and all the others that will follow on completion of the project.”


Minister Musoni urged people along the road network to take advantage of opportunities it will bring. He also stressed the need for the project to be delivered on time and be of the expected quality. And, when it comes to jobs, he emphasised, “priority should be given to the locals.”


The overall cost of the project is $184,710,390 including $93,771,059.20 of African Development Fund (ADF) and $56,352,800.00 of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) loans, $22,414,326.20 European Union-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) grant and $12,172,204.80 Government of Rwanda (GOR) contribution.  


The project will play a huge role in poverty reduction by improving household incomes and well-being through increased access to markets and social services. Similarly, it will improve performance of the transport sector and increase economic empowerment of women by training more than 800 women traders at the border.


Besides helping increase household incomes in eastern Rwanda, the project has the potential to transform Rwanda into a regional logistics hub.


The main components of the project include also civil works such as the construction of 10 water boreholes and rehabilitation of 10 milk collection centers, supervision consultancy services and technical audit, and compensation and resettlement.


The road rehabilitation project is set to be completed in November 2019.