Gishoma Peat Plant ready for connection to the national grid

Gishoma Peat Power Plant ready to add 15 megawatts to the national grid

Kigali, 8th February 2017- Gishoma Peat Power Plant with 15 MW is a power station located in Bugarama Sector, Rusizi District, Western Province constructed by RUNH Power Corporation Ltd since 2010 but stalled along the way during project implementation as a new technology in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Gishoma Peat Power Plant construction at a tune of $39.2 million is complete and both testing and commissioning have been successful, the 15 MW peat to power plant was connected to the national grid according to plan.

Rwanda Energy Group (REG) officials added “there is confidence to get stable power supply, peat construction was completed and peat is available, the country could have its first ‘feel’ of peat energy on the national grid. “Rwanda Energy Group source”.

RUNH Power Corporation Ltd reaffirms “the testing and commissioning were done and have been asked by REG to fix some few technical issues and ultimate time will be end of February or beginning of March” the plant will be handed over to Government for operation and maintenance.

A similar project that is expected to generate 80 megawatts has already started works- Hakan Peat Power Plant in Gisagara District.  This project will be implemented by Hakan Company at a tune of $353 million (aboutRwf290 billion). The Plant is expected to start producing electricity by June of 2018 with the capacity of producing 40 megawatts of power, and the second phase of the project is expected to be completed end 2019.

Over the last seven years, more efforts in the energy sector have been directed towards diversified and balanced power production and supply to meet the national targets.

As a result, electricity generation capacity has increased almost three-fold from 76 megawatts in 2010 to 208 megawatts as of last month.