Eastern Province: Government of Rwanda increased access to clean water

Germaine KAMAYIRESE, the Minister of state in charge of Energy and Water launching a Water Supply Project in Remera Sector, Gatsibo District

Gatsibo 20th July 2017- Hon. Germaine KAMAYIRESE, Minister of State in charge of Energy and Water officiated the inauguration of water facilities constructed in Remera Sector, Gatsibo District under the project of Rural water Supply (Phase III), to increase access to clean water.


This project was implemented with a support of about $9Million from the Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 


The ceremony was attended by H.E. Takayuki MAYISHATA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Rwanda;  Hon. Asahiko MIHARA and Hon. Daishiro YAMAGIWA both members of Japanese Parliament; JICA Chief Representative;  Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) and Gatsibo District Officials ; United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative  and  other Project Stakeholders.



The inaugurated project is the third phase of Rural Water Supply Project in the Eastern Province for the benefit of about 33,000 people of Remera, Rukira and Murama Sectors of Gatsibo, Ngoma and Kayonza Districts respectively.


This project follows the first phase completed in March 2008 which served clean water to 43,000 people of Ngoma, Kayonza and Rwamagana Districts and the Second one completed in July 2013 which targeted 55,000 people of Ngoma and Kirehe Districts. In total, more than 131,000 people are benefiting from the entire project.


Hon. Germaine KAMAYIRESE expressed her gratitude to the Government of Japan through JICA for their support and reaffirmed the commitment of the Government of Rwanda to provide water and sanitation services to all Rwandans by 2020.


She mentioned that the project will help improve water supply services in the three Districts by reducing the distance residents used to travel to fetch water as well as related costs.   


Minister KAMAYIRESE emphasized the need to maintain and properly operate water infrastructure by engaging with the Private Sector.  Residents of Remera sector were urged to own the facilities acquired and protect them accordingly.


She re-iterated Government willingness to continue good collaboration with Development Partners and other stakeholders for implementation of other water supply projects to ensure sustainable and affordable water supply services for all.


H.E. Takayuki MAYISHATA, Ambassador of Japan in Rwanda reaffirmed the support of the Government of Japan to Rwanda to contribute to its economic transformation.


James SANO, the Chief Executive Officer of WASAC mentioned: “Currently, the project contributed to increasing water access rate in the Eastern Province to 74%. It focused not only on construction of facilities but also on capacity building for Districts’ Staff and Private Operators in operation and maintenance aimed at a better management of the systems”.