Rwanda Energy Group workers completed One-week civic education, locally called Itorero

Minister of Infrastructure, trainers and trainees pose for a group photo after the integration ceremony. Nkumba, 30 June 2019

179 workers from Rwanda Energy Group (REG) conducted One-Week civil education, locally called Itorero meant to enhance efficiency in service provision basing on ethics and values.  Among the staff that attended Itorero, 17 of them are women and 162 are men. The trainees also include the Chief Executive Officer, the Managing Director of Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL), Heads of Departments and Branch Managers.

The training took place in Nkumba Training Centre, Burera District from 25 June to 02 July 2019. The staff were trained on national programs, national values and ethics aiming at promoting unity, tolerance, patriotism, democratic governance that lead to sustainable social and economic transformation. They also had practical exercises aiming at helping them to think big, react quickly and develop their own characters around leadership, trust, self-motivation, engagement, resilience, partnership, team spirit, unity, individual and collective discipline.

The Minister of Infrastructure Honorable Claver Gatete thanked the management of Rwanda Energy Group for having organised Itorero. This is an important training which will build patriotic and ethical values among staff”. Minister noted.  He also hailed the work done by a group of experienced trainers from National Itorero Commission, the Special Presidential Advisor on Security matters, Governor of Northern Province, Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Governance Board, Transparency International, Security organs and mentors on Rwandan history.

The training will cleanse the personal inadequacies and make the beneficiaries better people in the community they serve as well as their co-workers. This will not only accelerate the institutional development, but also boost Rwanda’s economic development when the values are applied in their daily activities.

“The Government of Rwanda envisions transitioning from a developing country to a middle-income country. To achieve this goal, the government is targeting 100% electricity access by 2024. Rwanda is endowed with natural energy resources including hydro, solar, and methane gas.Your role in achieving this goal is highly required”, Minister Gatete told trainees.