A two day Consultative meeting organized by MININFRA on Development of National Urbanization Policy kicks-off in Rusizi District, Western Province

NUP Consultative meetings organized by MININFRA kicks off in Rusizi District.

At Rusizi District Headquarters from 24th to 25th April, 2014, a Two Day Consultative meeting on the Development of the National Urbanization Policy (NUP) kicked off in one of the planned sites of the Western Province- that include the two sites of Rusizi and Rubavu secondary cities. The meetings aim to explain to the participants why the Government needs a National Urbanization Policy and collect their views on key issues, gaps and suggestions so to develop an effective urbanization policy promising an orderly urban growth. The exercise was conducted by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) as the leading Ministry, in conjunction the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) and the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC) and specifically the concerned districts, i.e. Rusizi, Nyamasheke and Karongi. The consultative meetings were attended by Mr. Eddy CYAZZE from Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), Mr. Didier SAGASHYA who represented Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA), Mr. Claude Albert Meutchehe Ngomsi from UN-Habitat and different stakeholders at the provincial, District and Central Government levels.

The meeting was officially opened by Mr. NYAMASWA Emmanuel the Provincial Director of Districts Development Programs on behalf of Governor Western Province. During this function, the guest of honor was franked by the Mayor of Rusizi District, Mr. NZEYIMANA Oscar, other Ministerial and agencies, Provincial and District officials.

In his opening remarks however, Mr. NYAMASWA clarified that “if urbanization is not well planned, combating poverty through economic transformation becomes a nightmare. He however emphasized that if there is a well integrated planning combating poverty becomes evident, hence leading to sustainable economic and social development of the nation”. Rwandans should opt to using small lands with urban facilities that can be viable for the proper management of land. He added.

In his remarks, Mr David NIYONSENGA the Principal Senior Urban Engineer in MININFRA and the Mission Chief, emphasized on the point that an effective urbanization would translate a process of stepping into the implementation of Rwanda urban plans; and this point out a strong attention on a robust integration of physical development, socio-economic development, and the conservation of environment. Once the development of the National Urbanization Policy is well conceived, urban and rural settlements will be harmonized in line with city plans and in turn, the economic, social and environment developments will be gained.

The Policy will enhance proper coordination for planning urban development and will foster an orderly development of Rwandan cities. This will improve urbanization as a key priority in meeting EDPRS 2 targets and henceforth a gateway to achieving Millennium development goals (MDGS).

The National Urbanization Policy (NUP) consultative meetings will be conducted in the selected Six Secondary Cities Countrywide, namely RUSIZI and RUBAVU in the Western Province, MUSANZE in Northern Province, HUYE in the Southern Province and NYAGATARE and RWAMAGANA in the Eastern Province, as well as Kigali City.