Rwanda Government launched the National Roadmap for Green Secondary Cities Development

Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure addressing participants during the launch

Kigali, May 10, 2016 –The Ministry of Infrastructure in collaboration with the Global Green Growth (GGGI) launched a National Roadmap that will serve as practical guide to the Government of Rwanda for development of green secondary cities development.


The Roadmap will facilitate the implementation of Rwanda’s National Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy adopted in 2011, with programs and actions including sustainable land use management, resilient transport systems, low carbon, urban eco-systems, low carbon energy grid, ecotourism, and green industry among others.

The launch took place under the patronage of Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure and was attended by other officials including Dr. Chanho Park, GGGI’s Director of Middle East and Africa Programs, the Korean Embassy, Ministry of Natural Resources, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), mayors of the six secondary cities and other stakeholders. The secondary cities include; Rusizi, Rubavu, Muhanga, Huye, Nyagatare and Musanze.

In his remarks, Honorable James Musoni thanked the partnership of GGGI and other stakeholders, whose efforts contributed to the realization of the roadmap.


He alleged that Rwanda’s commitment to addressing the challenge of climate change dates back to 1998, when it ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and stated its long-term vision to become a climate resilient economy. Honorable Musoni appraised the realization of the roadmap seen as an implementation tool for the country’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS2).


“Through these efforts, Rwandan citizens will enjoy a better livelihood with adequate social protection, improved health and disaster risk reduction, food security and appropriate urban infrastructure development in a preserved biodiversity with ecosystem services. “Honorable Musoni noted”.


Rwanda is committed to combat the climate change. “Rwanda’s recent signing of the Paris agreement reaffirms our commitment to combat climate change by providing the framework to build a resilient and sustainable future we want, and that our citizens deserve”. He said

The Government of Rwanda has set a target to raise urban population to 35% by 2020 from the current 17%.  The National Roadmap will facilitate to better implement green growth based on the foundations, pull factors and key pillars of urbanization within Rwanda’s secondary cities development.