2015/16 Infrastructure Sector Achievements and targets for 2016/17

Minister of Infrastructure, Hon.James Musoni poses for a group photo with Board Chairpersons and heads of affiliated agencies after signing performance contracts

Kigali 27th September, 2016 - The Minister of Infrastructure Honorable James Musoni signed performance contracts/Imihigo with Board chairpersons of Ministry affiliated agencies as a tool to improve efficiency and service delivery in line with the Ministry mandate, vision, mission and set goals and objectives that will  prosper infrastructure development. The signing ceremony was attended by the Ministers of State, Dr. Alexis Nzahabwanimana in charge of Transport, Hon. Germaine Kamayirese in charge of Energy and Water, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors of MININFRA affiliated agencies namely, Rwanda Energy Group ltd (REG ltd), Water and Sanitation Corporation ltd (WASAC ltd), Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA), RwandAir, Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA), Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) and Road Maintenance Fund (RMF).

The 2015/16 key achievements of the Ministry of Infrastructure reflect the key performances of four sectors: Transport, Energy, Water & Sanitation and Urbanization & human settlement. These key achievements are grounded on the targets that were set during the fiscal year 2015/2016 against the key objectives outlined in the long term National programs such as Vision 2020, EDPRS II, 7 YGP, Sector Strategic Plan and other national priorities.

1.     Energy Sector: Powering National Development

The generation capacity increased by 30MW after commissioning of 26MW Methane Gas Power Plant and other micro hydro power plants (4MW) which increased the installed capacity to 190 MW.  This has addressed the current power demand with reliable and stable power to the customers.

The Government concluded negotiations and signed agreements with Independent Power Producers  such as 50MW Symbion  Methane Gas to power, 80MW Hakan Peat to Power, and regional projects such as; 80MW Rusumo and 147MW Rusizi III that are at advanced stages that will substantially increase the current installed capacity.

In rural electrification, additional 89,964 households were connected to the grid while 37,250 households to off grid in partnership with private sector players. The overall percentage connection for on grid is currently at 24.3% while off grid is 2.67%.

In addition, 80,000 new connections including 1,451 in productive use areas are planned to be connected on grid while 255,363 households will be supplied with off-grid solutions translating into 40% access by June 2017.

2.     Water and Sanitation Sector:

Under the universal access to clean water targets, 338,466 new households accessed clean water both in rural and urban areas. 708 km of piped water systems were constructed; with 555km completed in rural and 153 Km in Urban areas respectively. As per EICV 2014/15 water access countrywide is at 84.8%.

With respect to improving water supply services in the City of Kigali; 25,000m3/day from NZOVE 2 Water Treatment Plant was added to the network reducing water demand gap from 45,000m3/day to 20,000m3/day. To fully address the remaining gap, Nzove 2 Water Treatment Plant will be upgraded and optimized to its full capacity of 40,000 m3/day and other water treatment plant of 40,000m3/day is under construction. Hence achieving 100% coverage in the City of Kigali.

In 2016/17, efforts will be made in strengthening water supply networks in the City of Kigali and Secondary Cities; rural water supply systems will also be rehabilitated. Further efforts will be made in wastewater management in the City of Kigali by constructing Kigali Centralized Sewerage System and other waste management initiatives will be made in Secondary Cities.

3.     Urbanization and Human Settlement.

In urbanization sector, National Urbanization Policy and strategy were finalized and adopted that spells out the role of cities and towns in national development.

In a bid to ease pressure on Kigali City, opportunities were created in Six Secondary Cities through the developed Rwanda Urban Development Project that will greatly contribute in transforming the economic geography of Rwanda and facilitate infrastructure development.

Informal Settlements upgrading activities were piloted in two Secondary Cities of Huye and Musanze whereby roads were improved and public lighting put in place. This has enhanced rural settlements that facilitate access to basic services and development of model villages.

Besides, Integrated Development Programme model villages were developed in 4 secondary cities (Muhanga, Huye, Rubavu and Rusizi), and 1 in Bugesera-Rweru with 104 dwelling Units while 30 Integrated Development Programme Model villages are planned to be constructed one per district in the fiscal year 2016/17.

One Stop Centres at the district level are to be supported under this broad target which will entail training of staff (including on GIS and inspection tools); and creating a manual, using modules, to help build the capacity of the centre staff.

The above have called for coordination as defined through a framework to ensure the implementation of the Master Plan. Activities include providing technical support to directors and implementers (district and government institutions etc). 

A total of 60,136 Households living in scattered settlements & high risk zones were relocated including 104 Households relocated from Mazane and Shalita Islands of Lake Rweru.

About 257.5 ha of land in Kigali City and Secondary Cities have been designated for the development of 3,600 units’ of houses in first phase under affordable housing program starting with 561 Units in Batsinda 2. Inspection and compliance with construction and housing standards have also been enhanced.

4.     Transport Sector: Improving mobility and trade flow 

In line with vision 2020 transport pillar targets, efforts have been made in construction, rehabilitation and upgrading transport infrastructure. In road transport there was cumulative growth of network of national paved roads, extended to 1,279Km from 1,214km in the previous year; 83 km of National paved roads were rehabilitated; 842.8 Kms of National paved roads and 250km National unpaved roads were maintained. Under feeder roads program, 547.13km were constructed making a total of 1507km; this has facilitated market access for rural farmers.

Some of the roads rehabilitated and upgraded included:

ü  Karongi-Rubengera (17km) completed at 75% end of June 2016;

ü  Kigali-Gatuna (77.8km) was completed and inaugurated in September, 2016;

ü  Kitabi Crete-Congo Nil and Huye-Urban roads (36.8 Kms);

ü  Kivu Belt Lot 4&5 (66km);

ü  Kivu Belt Lot 7 (48km);

ü  CIMERWA-Bugarama (9Kms);

ü  Access road to Bushenge Hospital (3Kms);

ü  Musanze_ Nyakinama (9km) is completed at 75%.

ü  Kigali (78.01Kms), Musanze (5Kms), Rubavu (5.4Kms) and Gicumbi (4Kms) Urban roads.

In Air transport, Kigali International airport has been upgraded with construction of a new Apron, terminal and land side facilities and installation of the state of the art bird collision avoidance system. This has doubled the airport passenger handling capacity and facilitated landing and takeoff simultaneously, thus reducing waiting time. Kamembe runway has been resurfaced and the airport structures rehabilitated to match regional air transport requirements.

In a bid to meet Rwanda’s vision of becoming the regional Air Transport Hub, the construction of new Bugesera International Airport has been initiated. Project Development Agreement has been signed with potential investor and works are expected to commence early next year.

Rwanda has signed different bilateral air services agreements (BASAs) which have enabled RwandAir to expand its destinations and increase fleet.

In the fiscal year 2016/17, four new aircrafts will be acquired and RwandAir will increase its connectivity to Africa, Asia, Europe and beyond. Efforts to engage Partner States in the development of Standard Gauge Railway through Northern and Central Corridors will continue.

To streamline rural public transport, ONATRACOM was restructured leading to creation of Rwanda Interlink Transport Company (RITCO) in partnership with private sector. In the new arrangement, a total of 163 buses with carrier capacity of 9,600 passengers will be procured starting with 50 buses (20 VIP and 30 Economy Class) expected to be delivered in December, 2016. The fleet will continue to expand as per the passenger demands.