Rwanda and Russia sign agreement on peaceful use of atomic energy

The Minister of Infrastructure, Claver Gatete and the Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation, Alexey Likhachev after singing the agreement

Mosco, 05 December, 2018:  The Republic of Rwanda and Russian Federation signed the Inter- Governmental Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Rwanda and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.


Hon. Claver Gatete, the Minister of infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda signed the agreement on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Rwanda. And Mr. Alexey Likhachev, the Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, signed on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation.


The Agreement creates a solid basis for the establishment of the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology in Rwanda for peaceful purposes as a basis for social economic transformation of the country through modernization of several vital sectors of the economy such as; agriculture, health, pharmaceuticals and industry, geology and mining, environment, and electricity generation among other applications.

The agreement also prescribes cooperation in such areas as fundamental and applied research in the field of peaceful use.