Minister advises Nyagatare District Leaders on Improved Service Delivery during Annual stakeholders Meeting

Minister advises Nyagatare District Leaders on Improved Service Delivery during Annual stakeholders Meeting

On 21, September, 2015, the annual stakeholders meeting was convened at Nyagatare District headquarters to review and assess  2014 annual achievements and set target priorities for the new fiscal year 2015/16 in all sectors of development in Nyagatare district.

The meeting was attended by the Honorable Minister of Infrastructure Hon. James Musoni who also doubles as the District focal Minister on government level. The Minister encouraged Nyagatare leaders to always interact with the local citizens they lead to improve communication flow and work together as a team if they develop, to ensure effective and efficient service delivery as we work towards developing our country.

The annual meeting was also attended by other government officials on different levels, including the Governor Eastern Province, Mrs. Odette Uwamariya, Rwanda Governance Executive Chief Executive Officer, Prof.Shyaka Anastase, high ranked Security Officials, Sector Executive Secretaries, Cell Executive Secretaries and heads of Umudugudu levels from different parts of the district.

The objective of the Nyagatare annual stakeholder’s meeting was to analyze the development indicators of the district in general by identifying the strength and opportunities, challenges encountered and come up with the appropriate solutions to fast-track the district development. The meeting set up the district quick wins and priorities and advised on the implementation process in line with the Country’s vision.

The areas of discussion included security, agriculture, infrastructure development, agro business development, banking sector, education, health promotion and good governance. The participants pledged their support in the district development process by giving recommendations on what needs to be done to achieve the set targets and urged their leaders to improve their ways of engaging the community, improve their communication and work with total commitment to serve their country.

Amidst the meeting, Imihigo for 2014/15 were reviewed and 2015/16 Imihigo were signed between the District Mayor and the Sector Executive Secretaries, Sector Executive Secretaries and Cell Executive Secretaries, Cell Executive Secretaries with heads of Umudugudu and the heads of Umudugudu with one of the family members as a sign of intensifying total commitment to serve.

All district members committed themselves to work together as a team for improved service delivery and hard work towards the social economic development of the district and the Country at large.