The Government of Rwanda committed to promote road safety

Minister of State in Charge of Transport, Dr. Alexis NZAHABWANIMANA speaking at the launch of the road safety week

Kigali, 23rd May, 2017- Rwanda National Police launched the campaign to curb road carnage, through open discussions with motorcyclists on effective usage of road and persistent issues within their cooperatives. The official launch was held in the City of Kigali where thousands of road users, majority motorcyclists, converged at Nyarugenge Stadium in Nyamirambo under the auspice of the ongoing Police Week.

The campaign was officially launched by the Honorable Minister of State in Charge of Transport, Dr. Alexis NZAHABWANIMANA, accompanied by his Lordship Mayor of the City of Kigali, Pascal NYAMURINDA, Deputy Commissioner General of Police in charge of Operations, Dan MUNYUZA in the presence of Nyarugenge residents.

According to the Minister of State, “the Government is committed to lay all possible strategies to enhance road safety measures which will further curb road carnage”, adding that “the Government is well aware of challenges faced or caused by commercial motorcyclists and remains committed to address them shortly. We will continue promoting modern technology to support efforts of keeping our roads safe and security intact”.

According to Rwanda National Police Officials, 71 percent of the total road accidents registered since the beginning of the year involve motorcycles, pedestrians and bicycles. Most of these road accidents are avoidable if traffic rules are strictly adhered to by all road users. Reckless use of road means putting lives of other road users at risk, which we can’t afford,” said Dan MUNYUZA, the Deputy Commissioner General of Rwanda National Police in charge of Operations.

According to the statistics, taxi-motor operators take lead in causing accidents, which is attributed to their recklessness and indiscipline including drunkenness, violation of traffic lights, abuse of Zebra Crossings and dangerous maneuvers such as over-taking in hotspots.

“Most of these road accidents are avoidable if traffic rules are strictly adhered to by all road users. Reckless use of road means putting lives of other road users at risk, which we can’t afford,” said DIGP Dan MUNYUZA.

The Campaign aims to continue influence the attitudes and behaviors of all road users. Education and awareness measures, such as road safety campaigns, road safety information days and community outreach fosters reduction of road accidents.

Motorcyclists were urged to be vigilant and report anyone whom they suspect or witness committing a crime, or attempt to use them in criminal activities. It is noted that over 90 percent of drug traffickers and thieves use motorcyclists to commission the crime.

Road safety awareness campaigns are important tools that the government utilizes to communicate with the road users and to share safe driving tips for example, on the distractive effect of using a mobile phone when driving or what to do when experiencing symptoms of fatigue. Campaigns are targeted to account for the considerable variety of cultural and language backgrounds of road users Rwanda.