Upgrade of Sonatubes - Gahanga - Akagera road to be complete by 2021

Minister of State in charge of Transport, Eng. Uwihanganye Jean de Dieu (L) and other officials officiate the launching ceremony of Sonatubes – Gahanga - Akagera road project.

Kicukiro, 08 March 2019: Minister of State in charge of Transport together with the Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the People’s Republic of China Embassy in Rwanda Wang Jiaxin have launched a project to upgrade the dual carriage 13.8-kilometre-long Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera bridge road. The launching ceremony was also attended by the Vice-Mayor in charge of economic affairs in City of Kigali, Parfait Busabizwa, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Eng. Patricie Uwase and Mayor of Kicukiro District, Dr. Jeanne Nyirahabimana.


Comprised of a four-lane express way, the upgrading works for Sonatubes- Gahanga – Akagera road project will cost about Rwf48 billion thanks to a concessional loan from Exim Bank of China to the Government of Rwanda and it is expected be complete in next 12 months.


Presiding over the launch, the Minister of State in charge of Transport Hon. Eng. Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye said that construction had been initially planned to be complete in 24 months but was reduced to 12 in order to align its implementation timeline with that of the New Bugesera International Airport (NBIA), which is under construction.


Hon. Eng. Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye said the road will ease traffic jam and improve access to the new airport. “As you see, this area is also developing so fast, so the upgraded road will ease the movement of both pedestrians and motorists,” he said.


The Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Embassy of China in Rwanda said that the project is one of the deals that were signed last year between Rwanda and China.