WASAC committed to address water shortages

Chief Executive Officer of WASAC (Middle) revealed the Government’s solutions to achieve 100 per cent access to clean water and sanitation services by 2024

Kigali, 30 October, 2019: The Senior Management of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) has revealed new solutions to address repeated water shortages especially in long dry seasons.

During a press conference organised in partnership with Rwanda Media Council (RMC) and Association Rwandaises des Journalistes (ARJ), the water utility company highlighted the ongoing water reservoirs under construction that will address the issue of water shortages in city suburbs including; Remera: 10,000m3, Kabeza: 5,000m3, Kanombe: 2,000m3.

There are 41 water reservoirs under construction countrywide and specifically 6 mega ones that will serve the city of Kigali, currently over 70% progress and expected to be completed May 2020.

The Fifth Integrated Household Living Survey (EICV5)- 2016/2017 indicates that 87.4 per cent of Rwandans have access to clean water having increased from 26.3 per cent in 1994. The target is to reach 100% by 2024. Revealed by the CEO WASAC. Eng. MUZOLA Aime.

The households that have access to sanitation services have increased from 74.5 per cent in 2010 to 86.2 per cent currently, targeting to have 100% by 2024.

Considering the areas without enough access to clean water, WASAC constructed Kanyonyombya water treatment plant in Bugesera district supplying 5,000 cubic metres to Gashora and Rweru while Ngenda plant was also installed to supply 4,840 cubic metres. Another project was launched to construct Kanzenze water treatment plant to supply 40,000 cubic metres per day of which 30,000 cubic metres will be supplied to Kigali city whereas 10,000 cubic metres will be supplied to Bugesera district.

The Government of Rwanda is working closely in collaboration with Development Partners to financing more water extension lines, storage tanks and replacing old water supply networks in Kigali city and sub- urban areas.  Additionally, as a quick-win, the utility is undertaking construction of main water treatment plants and forwarding infrastructure pipelines of 67,344m to ensure adequate water supply especially in Kigali, sub- urban areas and secondary cities.