Kamembe Airport Upgrade works nearing completion

Minister Claver Gatete visited different components underway such as the new runway, the security perimeter fence and lighting systems.

Kamembe, 16 October 2020: Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver Gatete together with the Governor of Western Province, Alphonse Munyantwali visited Kamembe Airport to assess the progress of upgrading works of the airport facilities.

The airport is being upgraded by the Government of Rwanda through Rwanda Airports Company (RAC), with funding from the World Bank. Key infrastructure upgrades include the Automatic Weather Observation System , Installation of Aeronautical Ground Lighting, CCTV Cameras, Airport Perimeter Fencing and Fence Lighting and installation of a new message handling system at Kamembe airport with the view to connect the Eastern DRC to the Great Lakes Region and beyond through Rwanda’s main gateway Kigali International Airport.

According to the Project Manager, the perimeter fencing and fence fighting has been completed and the remaining components are the ground lighting and installation of weather equipment which will be completed in the next 6 months.

The overall project goal is to facilitate cross-border trade between Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo by increasing the capacity for commerce and reducing the costs and time.

The upgraded infrastructure is paramount to the airport as it will improve its security conditions, safety, compliance with international aviation standards and capacity.