Efforts laid to increase water supply in the Eastern province

A smart water Pumping Station in Ngoma district

Kigali, 11, May, 2016-The Ministry of infrastructure through WATSAN (Water and Sanitation) Secretariat has set a clear mapping of all partners and stakeholders initiatives countrywide to evaluate their contribution in the sector performance.

The effective mapping will be successful basing on regular site visits of the water projects supported by key partners especially World Vision and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), private sector and the community in the Eastern Province.

Among the core water projects that have increased the capacity of water supply in the Eastern province include Cyampirita Water Supply system that was completed in 2015.The project has significantly impacted  7615 households in Rugarama and Rwimbogo sectors in Gatsibo District.

Another water project that was initiated by World Vision in Gatsibo District, aims at providing water tanks to 80 Community Health Workers from Gakoni and Kiramuruzi cells of Kiramuruzi sector to fight water borne diseases and unnecessary deaths of kids and women. 

JICA constructed water facilities and strengthened capacity of water associations in operations and maintenance of installed facilities. Water facilities have increased safe water access to more than 80,000 people in Rwamagana, Kayonza, Ngoma and Kirehe Districts.

These projects include the Rwakibogo water project that provides clean water for over 41,800 people in Mwulire, Kigabiro and Munyaga Sectors in Rwamagana District.

To ensure community’s direct involvement and proper maintenance in water supply, local governments have been given autonomy to manage water systems in conjunction with private operators.

Rwanda’s water supply systems have also been improved to provide clean and safe drinking water. Water treatment plants have been constructed to increase water supply both in urban and rural areas. Currently to clean water is at 84.6% and we plan to have 100% by 2018.  This will be successful through the joint partnership between the Government of Rwanda, development partners, other stakeholders, private sector participation and the community.