Ministry of Infrastructure calls for Community Ownership of Water and Sanitation infrastructures

Water and Sanitation Division Manager, Marcelline Kayitesi, Mayor of Nyanza District, Erasme Ntazinda and other Officials touring Nyanza District Sanitation Centre

18th March 2019: on the 1st day of National Water Week, the Ministry of Infrastructure has disseminated, in Nyanza District, Busasamana Sector, National Water Supply and National Sanitation Policies at community level as part of awareness campaign at grass root level.


The event was graced by various officials including officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure, representatives of USAID Funded “Isuku Iwacu” Project being implemented by SNV, representative of USAID, Nyanza District officials and local residents. The event was organised in the framework of celebration of World Water Day that takes place on 22nd of March. It was also organized to ensure community awareness raising of national water supply and sanitation Policies objectives, actions and provisions. 


Speaking at the event, Water and Sanitation Division Manager in Ministry of Infrastructure, Mrs. Marcelline Kayitesi said that the dissemination of Policies at grass root level is part of national water week activities organized under the framework of celebrating the World Water Day which is annually celebrated every 22nd of March.


The theme for the World Water Day 2019 is ‘Leaving no one behind’. In this context,    “the Government of Rwanda, through its National Strategy for Transformation (NST1), has a target to reach universal access to Water and Sanitation services by 2024”, justifying the need to dissemination countrywide both National Water Supply and Sanitation Policies at all levels, Kayitesi said.


She noted that this year’s theme is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges related to the lack of clean water around the world, alongside the damaging effects of global warming, water resources pollution and damaged ground water tables. “In order to leave no one without access to clean water by 2024, there is a need of joint efforts among all stakeholders including beneficiaries.


National Water Supply objectives were highlighted including but not limited to the following: (i) to raise access to clean water in both rural and urban areas; (ii) to ensure functionality of rural areas and strengthen their operation; (iii) to ensure safe, reliable and affordable water supply services, (iv) to ensure universal access to clean water in public places, schools and heath care facilities.



“The Ministry of infrastructure in collaboration with its Partners and through its implementing Agency plans for several projects aimed at increasing the access.This will address existing challenges in water production and distribution,” Kayitesi said.


“We will achieve our target when all of us play an active role. You need to own the water infrastructures provided to you. They belong to you. Provide timely information when you find for instance leakage on water line.” She urged.


Kayitesi also spoke on the need for sanitation services noting that sanitation cannot be effective without water. “We need all of you to have toilets with necessary requirements. Appropriate sanitation”, she said.


She requested Nyanza District officials to speed up the construction of sanitation facilities like toilets at public spaces as well as mobilizing local residents on the Hygiene and sanitation in their respective families.


The Mayor of Nyanza District commended the role played by the Ministry of Infrastructure which is a key in the development and well-being of Nyanza residents.


Access to water is made easier when residents can fetch from 200 meters in the city or 500 meters in the countryside according to the current water distribution policy in Rwanda. We are looking at getting water from improved water sources only taking 30minutes round trip, Mayor emphasized.