MININFRA and affiliated agencies honour former employees killed in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi

The Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver Gatete, the Senior Presidential Adviser on security matters Gen. James Kabarebe and other officials in the Ministry and Agencies during the night vigil to honor victims of 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Kigali, 12 April 2019: The Ministry of Infrastructure, its affiliated agencies and the families of the employees of the former Ministry of public works and Energy (MINITRAPE) and former Ministry of Transports and Communications (MINITRANSCO), victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi gathered in a ceremony to remember employees of the above two Ministries massacred during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The victims remembered include 82 employees of MINITRAPE and 46 employees of MINITRANSCO.  Activities to commemorate these victims begun by a walk to remember from Kinamba to Kigali Memorial site, where tribute was given to more than 250,000 bodies of victims buried in this memorial by the Senior Management and Staff of MININFRA and its agencies. The night vigil took place at MININFRA headquarters, where wreaths were laid onto the monument of the Genocide, on which names of the victims appear. Addressing the public, the Senior Presidential Adviser on security matters Gen. James Kabarebe, briefly put the audience through the struggle proceeding of former Rwanda Patriotic Army-RPA. He highlighted the milestones achieved due to the commitment of said that RPA soldiers, who defeated the military power of the former regime that orchestrated the Genocide. Gen.Kabarebe said, “the victory was underpinned by the fact that RPA had a clear struggle ideology, and good cause which, in the beginning was to liberate the oppressed, but turned into stopping Genocide when killings of innocent people began.

He added that, the governments prior to the Genocide had deliberately created a state of hopeless, ignorance and extreme poverty among the population and therefore luring them into hatred, killings and Genocide was much easier. “No one is a beneficiary of Genocide and therefore it is the responsibility of all Rwandans to fight against Genocide ideology and denial. The country is now in safe hands and cannot be destabilized because it is built on a very stronger pillars that cannot be vulnerable to genocide anymore” He noted.

Hon. Claver Gatete, commended the public hearing given by experienced speakers on behalf of the government, and urged all the staff to render full support to genocide survivors and continue striving for a peaceful country free of Genocide ideology.

The 25th commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi was marked under the theme “Remember-Unite- Renew”. The MININFRA Kwibuka25, was preceded by two public talks on the historical background of the preparation and the execution of 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and the Genocide ideology. The lectures on this cause were given by Hon. Edouard Bamporiki, the Chairman of National Itorero Commission and Dr. Jean Damascène Bizimana, the Executive secretary of the National Commission for the fight against Genocide (CNLG).