Government to increase production capacity of Karenge Water Treatment Plant and strengthen its distribution network

Minister of Infrastructure and the WASAC Senior Management toured Karenge Water Treatment plant and discussed strategies to upgrade the plant for improved water production capacity and efficiency of the distribution network


Karenge, 7 October, 2020: The government is set to increase the production capacity of Karenge Water Treatment Plant as well as strengthen its distribution network so as to drive 100 per cent water in both rural and urban areas. Once complete, the project will enhance also 100 per cent coverage of household sanitation by 2024.


The plant is located on the shores of Lake Mugesera in Rwamagana District, Eastern Province. During its existence in 1975, the plant had the capacity to produce 3,840 cubic meters per day, later extended to 7,200 in 1985 and in 2008 it was upgraded to12, 000 cubic meters per day. Currently, the project has capacity of producing 15,000 cubic meters per day of which 12,000 are supplied to residents of different parts of Kigali and 3,000 cubic meters to residents of Rwamagana District.


The initiative of upgrading the plant was emphasized by the Minister of Infrastructure, Honourable Claver Gatete in accompaniment of Water and Satiation Corporation management (WASAC Ltd) during a site working visit to the plant.  According to Minister Gatete, the project still gives opportunity to improved quality and quantity of production, urging WASAC to fast-track the upgrading and extension of the plant.  


WASAC management commended government effort in supporting such mega projects, adding that water supply context in Rwanda has changed considerably since the adoption of the 2010 National Policy and Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation Services. The policy target is for all Rwandans to have 100% access to clean water and sanitation services by 2024.


The existing plant was built by Association International de Développement Rural (AIDR) in 1975, whereas first extension was done by Société Auxiliaire des Distributions d‘Eau (SADE) in 1985 and later upgraded in 2008 by Société de Gestion de l‘Eau et de l‘Assainissement (SOGEA).