eSWAP Secretariat



The Energy Division (ED) is one of the functional structures that constitute the approved organizational structure of MININFRA. It was carved out of the department of Energy, Water and Sanitation in the previous organizational structure of MININFRA, following the reform and restructuring of public service institutions led by MIFOTRA in 2013/14.

The idea to initiate the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) was in line with the desire by  the Government of Rwanda (GoR) and Development Partners to increase Aid Effectiveness in line with the Rome Declaration of February 2003 and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness on March 2, 2005 to which GoR is signatory. This is also in line with the aspirations of Rwanda Aid Policy issued in 2006. The GoR and its Development Partners adopted SWAps to support the development of Rwanda’s programs that are based on Rwanda’s Vision 2020 and the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). The Sector-Wide Approach is a method of working between government and development partners.

To realize the benefits of coherent coordination and Aid effectiveness, Energy sector SWAp Secretariat Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on 3rd July 2008.

Currently the Energy Sector is chaired by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Co-chaired by World Bank.

The energy sector in Rwanda consists of three components: Electricity, Biomass and Petroleum, all of which play an important role in the economy.   All the three components of the energy sector play a pivotal role in supporting socio-economic transformation through its systemic link to the growth of other sectors of the economy.


The vision of the energy sector is to contribute effectively to the growth of the national economy and thereby improve the standard of living for the entire nation in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner by becoming one of Rwanda’s most dynamic sectors and investment destinations.


The main objective was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness with which resources are used in the Rwandan energy sector.

The overall objective of this cooperation is to implement the EDPRS and to develop and implement the related Energy Sector Strategy through a sector wide approach, which addresses the Energy Sector as a whole in planning, monitoring, reporting and resource mobilization. This is a way to build stronger development partnerships, strengthening national ownership, supporting country-led programs, improving performance of country institutions and harmonizing procedures.