
Energy is the life-blood of development. The energy sector plays a pivotal role in supporting socio-economic transformation and has an inherently systemic link to the growth of other sectors of the economy. In order for the energy sector to leverage a most positive impact on the other sectors in a way that supports Rwanda’s development; by Energy Policy formulation, development of Energy Sector Strategies and laws. Other key activities include monitoring of projects implementation under Rwanda Energy Group, stakeholder coordination, research and knowledge management.

The energy sector in Rwanda consists of three components: Electricity, Biomass and Petroleum, with each playing a key role in Rwanda’s transition to a middle income country by the end of the decade.

The overall goal of the energy sector is to ensure that all residents and industries can access energy products and services that are sufficient, reliable, affordable, and sustainable. Specific core global objectives of the energy policy include:

·         Ensuring the availability of sufficient, reliable and affordable energy supplies for all Rwandans;

·         Creating an enabling environment for increased private sector participation in energy supply and service provision;

·         Encouraging and incentivizing more rational, efficient use of energy in public institutions, and amongst industrial and household end-users;

·         Ensuring the sustainability of energy exploration, extraction, supply, and consumption so as to prevent damage to the environment and habitats;

·         Promoting safe, efficient, and competitive production, procurement, transportation, and distribution of energy;

·         Developing the requisite institutional, organizational, and human capacity to increase accountability, transparency, national ownership and decentralized implementation capacity for sustainable energy service delivery.