Ministry of Infrastructure and affiliated agencies pledge 730 smartphones under Connect Rwanda Challenge

Ministry of Infrastructure and Agencies pledge 730 Mara plus 730 solar home systems under Connect Rwanda campaign

Kigali, 3 January 2020. Minister of Infrastructure, Honorable Claver Gatete has announced a pledge of 730 smartphones in support to the ongoing Rwanda Connect Challenge, a campaign that seeks to mobilize people to contribute to providing smartphones to Rwandans who cannot afford them.  Minister Gatete said, “Joining the Connect Rwanda challenge, Ministry of Infrastructure and affiliated agencies pledge to give 730 Mara Phones to unconnected households”. The Minister also announced that the number would also be matched with another 730 solar home systems, which come with charging systems.


According to the Minister, the pledge results from the voluntary contribution of the management and staff of Ministry of Infrastructure and its affiliated agencies namely Rwanda Energy Group (REG), Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), RwandAir, Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCAA), Rwanda Airports Company (RAC), Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA), Aviation Travel and Logistics (ATL) Holding, Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), and the Road Maintenance Fund (RMF).   


Initiated by MTN Rwanda on 20 December 2019, the Connect Rwanda challenge is run in partnership with the Ministry of ICT and Innovation. It will run until June 2020, implying that those making pledges should do it and provide the smartphones or money to buy them before then. Individuals or institutions do the pledges on a voluntary basis.