MININFRA embarks on to meet EDPRSII and Vision 2020 targets

MININFRA & affiliated agencies management pledge to scale up the implementation of set targets

Kigali, from 2nd-7th March 2016- The Ministry of Infrastructure and its affiliated agencies conducted a retreat at the Ministry Headquarters to carry out a self-assessment in all infrastructure sectors in regards to the implementation of Vision 2020, EDPRS II and 7YGP (Seven Years Government Program) targets, achievements made, assess challenges and discuss areas that need strategic guidance.

The retreat was chaired by Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure who urged participants to provide strategic recommendations that will help to tackle challenges in all infrastructure Sectors. He commended notable achievements and suggested all agencies top managers to scale up their effort in order to achieve set targets.  The retreat assessed in a strategic way each sector achievements and priorities to be speed up in order to achieve EDPRSII and Seven Year Government programs (7YGP).

Energy Sector

The current status of power supply countrywide is 186MW and the EDPRSII target of power generation is to have 563MW by 2018 serving 70% of the population. Prof. Mbonye Manasseh the Board Chairman-REG Ltd said that their mission is to provide affordable electricity for industrial growth and attract more investors in energy sector. “On affordability, our core plan is to create an environment of a competitive tariff in the region to attract investors” He added

A 48% target of households has been set for on-grid connections, while 22% households have been targeted for off- grid electricity provision by 2018. The Minister of Infrastructure Honorable James Musoni argued REG Ltd top managers to fast-track the implementation of rural electrification by using off-grid solutions as well as to develop a clear proposal to address the quality of power supply.

Minister Musoni also recommended power generation demand forecast in line with maturity of the projects to address the issues of mismatch between demand and supply of electricity needs. REG also commended to fasten transmission Infrastructure development for a reliable power evacuation from SYMBION, KIVUWATT, HAKAN, and RUSUMO power plants

Transport sector

Developing and maintaining safe and sustainable transport infrastructure, Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) has put appreciable effort in construction, upgrade, maintenance and rehabilitation of roads as well as upgrading bridges to attain transports amelioration targets.

The Minister of Infrastructure Honorable James Musoni argued RTDA management to establish a strategic plan that will enable Government to achieve all transport sector set targets in line with EDPRSII and 7YGP. “RTDA should prepare a maintenance schedule of all bridges in critical conditions and prioritize roads to be maintained.” The Minister noted.

In aviation sector, as the Government is looking at positioning the country towards becoming a regional aviation hub RwandAir has put in place flight network expansion. John Mirenge CEO of RwandAir said that the company is increasing its fleet with 2 wide body and 2 narrow aircrafts to arrive in phases starting September 2016.”With these additional aircrafts, RwandAir would decide the suitable option for new destinations between Europe (London Heathrow) and Far East Asia (India and China)”.Mirenge said

RwandAir plans to operate a network of 27 destinations from the current of 17 destinations. The company plans to increase its aircrafts to 12 from 8 Aircraft.

Though there is a tangible progress in aviation sector both Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority (RCCA) and RwandAir highlighted acute shortage of local aviation professionals. To handle this issue Honorable James Musoni  suggested a team made up of staff from RCAA and RwandaAir with representatives from AKAGERA Aviation to develop a clear roadmap with a well-structured program to tackle capacity building in Aviation sector.

In tackling expropriation issues that have to be solved by RCAA and RTDA, Minister Musoni asked both agencies to fast handle these issues raised in some areas where some households have been shifted to construct public infrastructures. “You have to be deeply involved in the assessment of the properties affected, you should as well look for funds to pay for damaged properties.“The Minister said

In terms of developing water transport RTDA Managing Director Mr. Guy Kalisa said that there are two key projects which are under process: Buying a new Nkombo boat as well as    constructing a Port on Kivu Lake to facilitate transport on Kivu Lake. “We are negotiating with MINECOFIN to secure funds for this important project”. Guy said.

Urbanization Sector

For a better urbanization projects implementation the following are taken measures to speed up the progress. To put emphasis on building inspection as indicated in  Urbanization Policy, local Master planning and building audits ,establishment of National Geo-database and the development of National Road map for Green City to ensure compliance with framework.

In line with affordable housing there are over 10,000 units planned for the next 5 years in city of Kigali. The ultimate goal is to achieve the current need of 93,000 units of affordable housing in the whole country based on the 35% of population to be living in urban areas by 2020. Currently, 17.6% of the population lives in urban areas.

Hon.James Musoni called upon Rwanda Housing Authority to increase awareness campaign on low cost housing, asbestos removal that is currently on 49%.
 Water and Sanitation

The Ministry of infrastructure has been making steady progress in ensuring that the population has access to clean water. The recently completed EICV4 report for water infrastructure indicates that 84.8 % of households have access to clean water, while the population with access to improved sanitation facilities is currently at 83.4% vis a vis EDPRSII targets of 100% of households with clean water and sanitation facilities.

James Sano, the CEO of WASAC Ltd presented Strategies designed to achieve EDPRS II set targets in water and sanitation sector. Some of the core strategies are: The Development of water production Projects of Nzove I and Nzove II which construction was completed with a capacity of producing 25.000m3 per day, Kigali Bulk water Project, the Construction of Kanyonyombya Water Treatment Plant), Completion of Feasibility study of Kigali centralized sewerage system which is at 95% of progress; the Study on rehabilitation and upgrade of semi centralized sewerage systems in Kigali estates that will start by April 2016.

The management of WASAC Ltd was recommended to speed up expropriation process for a better implementation of water and sanitation projects.

At the time all water treatment plants countrywide have a capacity of producing 43 million Cubic meters per year comparing to EDPRSII target of 46 million cubic meters water volume per year.