Minister Gatete joins Regional Ministers to discuss smart investments in water, sanitation and hygiene

The First Sanitation and Water for All Virtual Finance Ministers’ Meeting for Africa has been co-hosted by global partners such as UNICEF, World Bank and African Development Bank

4 November 2020: Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver GATETE participated in the first Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) Virtual Finance Ministers’ Meeting for Africa region where also Water and Sanitation sector Ministers were invited. The second and third meetings are to be convened in Latino and Asian regions.


The SWA Africa FMM was convened by Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) in partnership with global partners including UNICEF, World Bank, African Development Bank as well as African Ministers ‘Council on Water.


This meeting attracted high-level representatives of SWA partners including Finance Ministers,  Water and Sanitation sector Ministers and leaders from United Nations agencies, International Financial Institutions, civil society, private sector and research and learning institutions.


The objective of the conference was to develop and strengthen partnerships with finance ministers in the region for smart investments in water, sanitation and hygiene. The meetings also discussed the crucial role of water, sanitation and hygiene to the African economy, population and environment during and after COVID-19, and offered practical avenues for financing the sector.


Similar SWA meetings have been organized since with the aim of fostering a high-level political dialogue to find proper solutions to ensure water, sanitation and hygiene for all, including to improve economies, spare health systems, and protect populations from COVID-19 and future public health pandemics.


Ministers of finance are critical decision-makers and leaders in creating and maintaining the links and partnerships necessary to effectively integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into the economic and health recovery needed to manage and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic