Rwanda and Russia to cooperate in human capital development and public acceptance for nuclear energy program in Rwanda

Rwanda’s Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver Gatete (right) and Deputy Director General for International Relations Nikolay Spasskiy (left) during the signing ceremony of the Memoranda of Understanding

Kigali, 28 February 2019 – The Government of Rwanda and the Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom)signed two memoranda of cooperation; on education and personnel training in the field of nuclear energy in Rwanda and on the formation of the positive public opinion on nuclear energy in the country.

Rwanda’s Minister of Infrastructure Hon. Claver Gatete signed the memoranda on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, while Rosatom Deputy Director General for International Relations Nikolay Spasskiy signed on behalf of Rosatom.

The memoranda set the foundation for cooperation framework in two key areas of the development of the Rwandan program for the peaceful use of atomic energy notably developing the Rwandan human resources and raising its public acceptance.

In particular, within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation on personnel training, the parties agreed to implement joint projects in the field of education and training of personnel for the needs of the nuclear energy and related industries. Organization of personnel training programs for Rwandan nuclear infrastructure will be planned; development of close cooperation between profile educational institutions; organization of joint short-term programs; teachers’ training; development of specialized educational and scientific literature and exchange of students.

The memorandum of Cooperation in the field of shaping positive public opinion on nuclear energy in the Republic of Rwanda involves joint work between the parties aimed at preparing and implementing public and media briefing activities. The work will include informing the public about nuclear technologies and their uses; interaction with journalists, experts, teachers and students, as well as organization of events for them.

On 5 December 2018, the Intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy was signed between the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda and the State Corporation “Rosatom”.