Government in efforts to find solution on housing deficit and informal settlement upgrading

Participants on thematic working group meeting

Kigali, 18 December 2019, The Ministry of Infrastructure in collaboration with International Growth Centre (IGC) organized the affordable housing and informal settlement upgrading thematic working group meeting held last Thursday. The meeting brought together housing sector key stakeholders including Development Partners, Real Estate Developers, Researchers, Bankers, Engineers, Architects, Academia, Civil Society, Policy Makers and Implementers, etc.

This thematic working group meeting, the second of its kind, aimed at discussing major challenges: housing deficit and informal settlement and come up with inclusive strategic recommendations to the sector.

Referencing to IGC report 2019, Mr. Edward KYAZZE, Urbanization Human Settlement and Housing Division Manager in the Ministry of Infrastructure, mentioned in his opening remarks Rwanda’s goal to increase urbanization from today’s 18.4% to 35% by 2024 so as to support economic growth which translates to an increase of urban population and thus need for more urban housing where 310,000 housing units are needed in Kigali alone by 2032.  

In that regard, the Division Manager urged participants to take into consideration different income categories by looking at inclusionary policies, effective housing financing mechanisms, cost efficient building materials and innovative technologies.

In order to improve living conditions for people staying in informal settlements, participants were also urged to play key role on what could be the appropriate Informal settlement upgrading strategies that should be put in place.  

After different presentations sessions and discussions related to housing policies, housing finance and construction technologies, relevant outcomes were registered. These include:

-      Establishment of common understanding among the bankers, developers and the public in general on the effective utilization of the Rwanda Housing Finance Fund (financed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank);

-     Reflection on housing policies in Rwanda and recommendations to the Government on how the special basic infrastructure support to affordable and high density housing projects could be better implemented;

-     Sharing with the real estate developers the prevailing housing development investment opportunities in green fields but also in prioritized informal settlements that need upgrading in the City of Kigali.

-    Gaining of knowledge on several available building materials and technologies on the market that may play a big role in the delivery of the needed affordable housing units.

The Ministry of Infrastructure will continue organizing such meetings that often bring together key housing sector stakeholders to discuss housing related issues.

In March 2015, the National Housing Policy was adopted, with its vision being: “Everyone independent of income, base of subsistence, and location shall be able to access adequate housing in sustainably planned and developed areas reserved for habitation in Rwanda”.

Rwanda recognizes the fundamental right to adequate and formal housing for every citizen and is committed to provide the population with easy access to decent housing, protect and improve the conditions of housing and residential areas.