Rwanda dials up investment opportunities by playing to its strengths

Large-scale infrastructure projects offer numerous benefits for the investors

Kigali, 27 October 2017: In recent years, Rwanda has transformed itself into one of the region’s most business-friendly destinations. World Bank doing business report 2018 ranked Rwanda second in Africa (41st globally) and is the continent’s second-most competitive economy, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index. Its economy has also grown rapidly, expanding by an average annual rate of 7.6% between 2007 and 2016.


Presenting the 2017-18 National budget to a joint parliamentary session in June 2017, Minister Claver Gatete pointed out that generally economic plans enshrined in the 2017-18 budget as well as medium term will focus on promoting investments and locally made products hence the theme: “Sustainable growth through infrastructure development and promotion of Made in Rwanda”. In this regard, Minister Gatete noted that Rwanda’s economy is expected to grow by 6.2% in 2017 and 6.8% in 2018.


During the 24th Annual General Assembly of African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) held in Kigali on 28th June to 1st July 2017 discussed mechanisms and strategies on how to boost intra Africa trade through regional integration.

One of the sessions at the conference aimed to provide some answers on what opportunities are in Rwanda for business to leverage the country’s welcoming environment. It featured public and private sector representatives, who discussed business opportunities in priority sectors such as infrastructure that offer a couple of benefits through strategic and large-scale projects.


In the aftermath the horrific 1994 genocide against the Tutsi Rwanda was lacking vital infrastructures in all sectors: roads were unpaved, electricity was sporadic and everyone they encountered, it seemed, was battling unspeakable grief. Today Rwanda has become an attractive investment hub in Africa where most of people say to never believe how Rwanda would emerge as one of the most exciting new luxury destinations in Africa in less than a decade.


Rwanda understands that innovation infrastructure in the development of a competitive private sector is a key component in boosting investment. To this end the government continues to invest heavily in infrastructure. Almost a tenth of Rwanda’s annual budget is committed to transport and other infrastructure. To develop a vibrant private sector, Rwanda is investing in Roads, Rail and water transport infrastructure with the intent of drastically reducing the cost of transport to businesses and individuals.