Minister Musoni cautions damaging existing infrastructure

MININFRA management and stakeholders call upon all Rwandans to protect infrastructures

Kigali April 15, 2016, The Ministry of Infrastructure management and all its stakeholders held a meeting to assess core issues occurring in all infrastructure sector.

The meeting took place after finding out that in Kigali City and other main cities in the country faces issues of damaging existing infrastructure while constructing new roads, buildings, fiber optic and other important infrastructures.

While briefing the media, Hon. James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure said that significant strategies have been taken to address the mentioned issue. Among the strategies, Minister said all contractors to build infrastructures will be obliged to present a plan showing set measures to safely relocate existing facilities like electricity transmission lines, water pipes, fiber optic cables etc.

“No contractor will be allowed to take construction machines to the site before relocation of all infrastructure facilities that can be damaged by construction works” Minister said.

Minister Musoni stated that there are some cases where water pipes and electricity transmission lines were damaged by roads construction works and in some areas citizens waited for longtime for these facilities to be fixed.

As a resolution to this issue, a master plan has been elaborated to identify where existing damaged infrastructure are located. This will enable contractors to set a strategic plan to relocate or maintain safely the existing facilities.

Minister Musoni pledged that all spoiled infrastructures are going to be renovated as soon as possible. He added that measures have been set to fight against infrastructure spoilers.” We have a plan of repairing all damaged infrastructure facilities and fight all the people who take part in vandalizing constructed infrastructure.”

Hon. James Musoni called upon all Rwandans to have ownership, take a paramount role in maintaining and protecting infrastructures and ensuring thorough communication between the community and government agencies to eliminate infrastructure defaulters.

The government is aiming to have 100% of access to clean water by 2017,and  300 kilometers of water network will be rehabilitated in country and establish electronic monitoring systems that will report broken pipes country wide before end of 2016.

The new electricity networks are being put in place and by 2018 there will be increase in power generation capacity and power access at a range of 70% of Rwandans having electricity.