Mininfra Officiates the launch of BBOXX Cook initiative

Eng. Patricie UWASE, Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Infrastructure and, Laurent Van Houcke COO Bboxx Africa cutting the ribbon.

Kigali, 19th July 2019- Eng. Patricie UWASE, the Permanent Secretary at Ministry of Infrastructure officiated the launch of BBOXX Cook initiative, a new product offering smart, clean and affordable cooking solutions to Rwandan communities (urban and rural).


The main objective of BBOXX Cook LPG`s offering as highlighted by Justus MUCYO, the Managing Director of BBOXX Rwanda, is to overcome the barrier to LPG uptake by removing the canister, cooker and gas bulk upfront costs. Cooking with gas will be made more accessible through pay- as-you-cook, technology to urban households and commercial clients. Further, BBOXX cook biogas will complement the clean cooking solutions by offering a financial plan including repair and maintenance for biogas producing digester system to rural households and public institutions.


In his remarks, Laurent Van Houcke COO Bboxx Africa said: “The BBOXX Cook initiative in Rwanda is an exciting step for us as a next generation utility. We are showing that our model works: the technology that we have used to provide access to clean, reliable and affordable electricity is being expanded to include clean cooking solutions and we have big ambitions to deliver other utilities and products in new markets.” “BBOXX is expecting to scale its BBOXX Cook operations having deployed more than 5,000 systems until the end of 2020”, he added.

Speaking at the launch, the Permanent Secretary first of all appreciated the role played by BBOX in increasing access to all Rwandans by providing off-grid solar home systems and now this cooking initiative in both rural and urban areas considered. She saluted “BBOXX Cook” a wonderful initiative that will support the Government of Rwanda in achieving the goal set in the National Strategy for Transformation.


“Accelerating investment in the clean cooking sector comes at the best time where the Government of Rwanda is currently developing different strategies of how to halve the current dependence on biomass which stands at 79.9%, she said”


According to the 2016 study carried out by World Bank’s ESMAP, the PS observed that biomass dependence is a global challenge. It was indicated that there 3 billion people lack access to clean cooking. Sub Saharan Africa’s deficit has increased from 585 million in 2000 to over 860 million by end 2016 which is more than 70 per cent of the African population.


Commenting on the issue of affordability, access to cylinders, stoves and minimum quantities of LPG, Patrice UWASE called upon key stakeholders to work together and reduce the cost.

She also appealed to the concerned financial institutions to consider financing some of the successful and promising business models and technologies that need to be scaled-up.

She reiterated the commitment of Government to continue working together with private sector to develop markets and provide clean cooking technologies to the population. Rwandans are indeed urged to benefit from BBOXX Cook products.