Gatare village residents gain improved latrines, public water points and solar power systems during Police week

An improved pit latrine inaugurated during Police week in Gatare Village

Rwamagana, 22nd May, 2017-Rwanda National Police week activities in Rwamagana District embarked on inaugurating improved latrines, hand over the clean water points and solar power systems in Gatare village, Gatare cell, Nyakariro sector. These infrastructure facilities were handed over to Gatare residents in partnership with Rwanda National Police (RNP) for lives transformation through increased access to clean water and sanitation facilities as stipulated in the National Water Supply and Sanitation Policies.


At least 108 households in Gatare Village of Gatare cell in Nyakariro Sector, Rwamagana District will no longer have to depend on kerosene or firewood as their source of light after Rwanda National Police, yesterday, lit them with solar home systems. The handover of the solar systems to beneficiaries, which is part of the ongoing activities to mark the 17th anniversary of the force, was presided over by the Minister of Infrastructure Honorable James Musoni.

The event was also attended by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Emmanuel K. Gasana and the Governor of the Eastern Province Judith Kazayire, among others.

The community development activities in Rwamagana under the flagship of ‘Police Week’ also included the inauguration of three clean water points to serve hundreds of residents of Gatare Village, and conducted Umuganda where a 3 kilometer road was constructed to link Gatare residents with other villages.

Hon. Minister of Infrastructure, James Musoni, while addressing the community emphasized on having ownership in protection of what has been achieved. It is government initiative to extend infrastructure such access roads, water, sanitation facilities and electricity to rural areas in order to support development agenda of the Country and commended RNP to do more than what they have done both in physical security and other initiatives to supplement such community development. He added peace and security are key pillars to fostering development; every effort has to be made to sustain the prevailing peace but also use it to develop ourselves and eradicate poverty, which can also be a security issue,” the Minister said.

IGP Gasana thanked residents of Rwamagana for joining Police efforts to keep their communities safe and secure.

“Fighting crime is a collective effort between community and law enforcement agencies; it is today a proactive approach where it is the duty of everyone to fight lawlessness rather than the old-fashioned reactive approach which creates a gap between the people and security organs,” the Police Chief said.

During the event, members of Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing (RYVCP) donated a cow to a disadvantaged family in Gatare Village.

IGP Gasana commended the youth for their continued social protection and security activities.

Beneficiaries Message

Consiriya Kabalinda, 53 years, the beneficiary, whose house was also installed with solar home system, said: “I thank President Paul Kagame for promoting peace and security; our Police Officers are also very friendly unlike in the past. I will now be able to read my Bible at night. I thank these youth for giving me a cow, which I am going to take good care of.”  

Nyirandorimana Ernestine said: “Thank you Police for bring light to my house. I am now able to save all the money that I was spending to buy batteries for my torch at night. I pledge to continue fighting any unlawful tendencies in my village.”