The Ministers of Infrastructure commits to fast track the implementation of Dares Salaam-Isaka-Kigali railway project

Kigali, 15th February, 2016-The Inter-Ministerial meeting was convined from 12th -14th February, 2016 in Mwanza –Tanzania to discuss several issues pertaining to the Central Corridor Infrastructure development and the general progress of Dar es Salaam-Isaka-Kigali/Keza-Musongati (DIKKM) Railway Project.

The Inter-Ministerial meeting was attended by Honorable James MUSONI from the Republic of Rwanda (Head of Rwandan Delegation), Hon. Prof. Makame M. MBARAWA, (MP), and Minister for Works, Transport and Communications of the United Republic of Tanzania (Host), and Hon. Jean Bosco NTUNZWENIMANA, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Equipment of the Republic of Burundi.
The Ministers approved the plan of activities that will oversee the advancement of the project implementation. During the meeting, Partner States agreed to sign a Binding Agreement as a commitment to meet construction, operation and maintenance requirements.

The Partner States further agreed to adopt a common legal framework and the operational manual to allow seamless operation and act as framework for national regulatory authorities of the Partner States.

Finally, the Partner States agreed that the Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation Agency (CCTTFA) should have a dedicated Project Implementation Unit to oversee the day today project developments.