Honorable James Musoni argues governments to liberalize African Air transport

Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure addressing participants at 5th Aviation Stakeholders Convention

Kigali, May 9, 2016- Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure officially opened the 5th Aviation Stakeholders Convention organized by the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) in partnership with RwandAir.

The two days meeting is in line with the view to fostering dialogue, building sustainable networks in supply chain management and creating a competitive environment for aviation business in the continent. 

Convened under the patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure, this important industry event in Africa brought together about 400 participants consisting mainly of airlines, Civil Aviation Authorities, airports, Air Navigation Service Providers, ground handlers, regulators, aircraft/engine manufacturers, component suppliers, service providers in the aviation industry and other aviation stakeholders. 

While addressing the congregation, Honorable James Musoni thanked the Association for choosing Rwanda as the venue for the Convention. “Rwanda is honored to host this important conference, and on behalf of the Government, I would like to thank the organizers of this convention for choosing Kigali as their venue”. Minister noted.

Honorable Musoni said that civil aviation lags behind and operates well below its share of the international civil aviation market. African airlines are generally under - capitalized, operate narrow route networks with a small and ageing aircraft fleet.  To reverse this trend, Hon. Musoni argued governments to be committed to create enabling and conductive environment that facilitate the growth and development of African national carriers.

“African governments are aware of the enormous contribution of civil aviation to the development of air transport, deriving socioeconomics development, connecting people, countries and providing access to the global markets.  For this to happen there is a need for liberalization of African Air transport”. Said Hon. Minister

Currently, Rwanda is among the first 11 States that declared their commitment to immediately open their skies unconditionally following the solemn commitment by African Union Heads of States at the AU summit in January 2015.

Dr. Elijah Chingosho, the Secretary General of African Airlines Association (AFRAA) commended Rwanda for notable commitments in line with developing aviation sector.   “Under the visionary leadership of Honorable James Musoni, the Ministry of Infrastructure has made giant steps in infrastructure development at Kigali International Airport. These investments help made Kigali stand out as one of Africa’s most eminent regional air transport hubs.” Said; Dr. Elijah

One the first day of the conference the African Airlines Association presented appreciation accolades to the Government of Rwanda. The first award was offered to Honorable James Musoni, Minister of Infrastructure by Dr. Elijah Chingosho, African Airlines Association Secretary General , the second is a distinguished service award  given to the government  of Rwanda  in recognition of its initiatives towards facilitating travel in an effort to stimulate aviation, trade, investment and tourism in Africa ? . The Award has been received by Honorable Dr. Alexis NZAHABWANIMANA, Minister of State in Charge of Transport.

This year conference was convened under the theme “Winning Together through Innovation and Collaboration”