Rukarara II Hydro Power Plant inaugurated

Rukarara II HPP inaugurated

Nyamagabe -26th June 2014-Rukarara II hydro power plant located in Nyamagabe district in the Southern province was inaugurated by the Honorable Minister of Infrastructure, Prof. Silas Lwakabamba.

The ceremony was also attended by H.E. Ambassador of Belgium Marc PACSTEEN, European Union representative Chief of Political Affairs Daniel Schaer, Southern Province governor Mr. Alphonse Munyentwali, Energy, Water and Sanitation (EWSA) Ltd’s Deputy Director General in charge of Energy Mr. Robert Nyamvumba and Nyamagabe residents.

The project started in January 2011 and was commissioned in March 2014 with the installed capacity of 2.2 MW (Megawatt) with interconnection lines of 4.2 kilometers connecting the plant to the national grid.

The project was financed by the Government of Rwanda, Kingdom of Belgium and European Union respectively.

During three years period of the project, residents in Buruhukiro and Uwinkingi sectors got part time jobs since 2011 to date. 750 households in the two sectors will get electricity, 60 in Gahira sector will also be electrified hence improved standards of living.

The power produced by Rukarara II will enhance small business growth such as barber shops, welding workshops, grain mills, internet facilities and other small business activities to operate for long hours hence economic growth towards meeting vision 2020 targets and millennium goals.

The project comes as an opportunity for creation of off-farm jobs for youth and women and this will contribute to the local and national economy at large.

The project will increase access to energy as the cornerstone of social and economic development, by offering opportunity for improved lives and economic growth for families and communities.

Much of millennium development goals will be achieved through sustainable modern source of energy reducing poverty, improving children and women’s health and broadened education.

Rwanda has set ambitious plans to increase production and distribution of electricity for its population to accelerate Vision 2020 and EDPRS to provide quantifiable targets with strong commitment.

Rukarara II power plant was successful due to continued partnership between three governments and they are aiming to have full connection to rural centers, schools for socioeconomic development.