Rehabilitation and widening of Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo road Project in good progress

Kayonza - Kagitumba section under rehabilitation and widening

The project involves rehabilitation and widening of 208 km of road from Kagitumba border to Rusumo border via Kayonza. The section of Kayonza- Kagitumba links the Republic of Rwanda with the Republic of Uganda on the Northern Corridor whereas the section of Kayonza-Rusumo extends to the United Republic of Tanzania on the Central Corridor. Rehabilitation and widening works of Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo road project started in February 2018.

The project, once completed, intends to bring large impact on socio-economic development, poverty reduction and regional integration through an improved and sustainable transport system that links centers of economic activities. At regional level, the project will improve road transportation and boost trade between Rwanda and East African Member States.

At the National level it will improve transportation services in Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo area and stimulate local economic activities.

According to MININFRA officials, the rehabilitation and widening works of Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo road (208km) are split into 3 Lots and the progress is good. For Lot1: Kagitumba-Gabiro (60km) the overall physical progress is at 85.198%; Lot 2: Gabiro-Kayonza (56Km), the overall physical progress is at 98.78 96.41% while for Lot 3: Kayonza–Rusumo (92km) the overall physical progress stands at 70.82%.

Entirely, this important project connecting the Northern Corridor to the Central Corridor will cost over $137.5 million and is being co-financed by AfDB, JICA, and the Government of Rwanda. Meanwhile, the Government of Rwanda has contributed $12.5 million to support the project through expropriation activities, while a grant of $22 million from the European Union will be used to make the project successful in line with the timeline set.

The Republic of Rwanda is committed to improve and sustain the riding quality of its total road network.