Minister of State in Charge of energy and Water visits water plants

Kimisagara Water treatment plant

17th ,September,2014-The Minister of State in charge of energy and water in the Ministry of infrastructure, Honorable Germaine Kamayirese accompanied by James Sano,the managing director Water and Sanitation Corporation(WASAC Ltd),visited water treatment plants of Kimisagara, Nzove and Yanze River.

The Minister visited to assess the current status of water treatments plants to identify key issues that may be a hindrance to the current water shortage in the country.

The government of Rwanda through its implementing agency Water and Sanitation Corporation Limited (WASAC Ltd) plans to set up another water treatment plant near the old Nzove plant, the negotiation is being done.

The plant will have installed capacity of 25, 000 m3 treated water per day in a bid to fill the water demand gap in the country and once completed water volume will be increase in the city of Kigali and its suburbs.

Water used in the city is produced by three water treatment plants: Nzove with 27,000m3/day, Karenge with about 13,000 m3/day and Kimisagara (about 26,000 m3/day), and six pump stations (Byimana, Jali Bas, Gihogwe, Rwampara, Mburabuturo and Kinyinya A & B) and other small sources of drinking water.

 Kigali needs about 100, 000m3 of water per day while water supplied is 70, 000m m3 per day, which implies a shortage of about 30, 000 m3 per day, that’s why the government is opting to  build other water plants to solve the problem of water shortage both in the urban and rural areas respectively.

Kimisagara water plant was built in 1981 with potential to produce 400 m3/day per hour, upgraded in 1989, to produce 600 m3/day per hour; currently the city counts about 1.1 million residents meaning there is a need to expand existing plants and build new ones to boost the production.

Kimisagara plant draws its water from Yanze River in Kanyinya Sector, Nyarugenge District, while Nzove water plant treats water from 32 underground wells in Kanyinya Sector on Nyabarongo River basin

Minister Kamayirese said the Ministry of Infrastructure is committed to offering enough water supplies both in the city and the countryside.

Over 70% of Rwandans have access to clean water and government set goals is ensuring universal access to clean water by 2017.