Global Green Growth Institute committed to supporting Rwanda in Sustainable Economic Growth

GGGI President Ban Ki Moon reiterated the commitment of GGGI to supporting Rwanda‘s green urbanization and climate resilient green growth projects

Kigali, 22 October 2020: Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Claver Gatete and Minister of Environment, Hon. Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya held a virtual bilateral meeting with Mr. Ban Ki Moon, President and Chairman respectively of the General Assembly and Council of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). The delegates discussed GGGI Rwanda’s country program in green urbanization and sustainable infrastructure development.

GGGI Rwanda country program focuses on promoting: green buildings and construction value chain, Circular economy and sustainable management of resources (mainly sustainable waste management), climate resilient urban development (especially flood and landslide risk management and wetlands restoration) and sustainable mobility. The program has also been supporting the Ministry of Environment with major knowledge sharing and exchange events such as the Africa Green Growth Forum (AGGF).

In his remarks, Minister Claver Gatete expressed his gratitude to GGGI for the key milestones so far achieved in supporting Rwanda on its pathway to sustainable economic growth through an inclusive, climate resilient and green urbanization.

The key milestones so far achieved include: the establishment of the National Roadmap for Green Secondary City Development to guide our cities on the green development pathway, the establishment of a Green Building Minimum Compliance System to govern our building construction sector, greening of District Development Strategies and the support to green the revised Master Plans for Kigali and six Secondary Cities.

The Minister called on GGGI for an enhanced future collaboration in areas such as Greening of the New Bugesera International Airport, storm water management, greening of existing and new public building stock, municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management; and Sustainable mobility especially the support to the establishment of non-motorized transport and public e-buses in Kigali and other secondary cities.

Minister Gatete invited President Ban Kin Moon global events that will take place in Rwanda in 2021.

“Rwanda will host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali during the week of 21 June 2021, which will be a great occasion to showcase Rwanda’s climate resilient green growth initiatives. The event will also hold on the sidelines a high-level dialogue on sustainable urbanisation. We take this opportunity to invite you for the event to share your valuable experience and expertise”, he noted.

He also invited GGGI President and Chair to the second Africa Green Growth Forum (AGGF) to be hosted by Rwanda next year, following the success of the first one held also in Rwanda in 2018.

“We also hope your presence in this event will be a huge boost to the continent in advancing the green growth agenda on the continent and your participation in one or both events will be a great honour and will allow us more time to discuss and follow-up from this brief bilateral meeting moving forward”, he said.

Mr. Ban Ki Moon in his remarks commended the Government of Rwanda for submitting its updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in May 2020 indicating how Rwanda has been exemplary when it comes to climate action and sustainable development in the region and across the globe.

“Green urbanization and sustainable infrastructure development are key to Rwanda and Africa’s transition to inclusive green economy as well as ensuring environmental sustainability.”, he noted.

Complemented by Frank Rijsberman, the Director General of GGGI, Mr. Ban applauded Rwanda for embarking on greening of the New Bugesera International Airport, saying it will be an important benchmark for the region and continent. Ban reiterated his organisation’s support and commitment to ensure this initiative is realised.

GGGI has since 2015 partnered with the government of Rwanda to ensure that sustainability and green growth are core principles in Rwanda’s future growth and development. GGGI is also supporting Rwanda towards an inclusive climate resilient green cities and infrastructure development.