Rwanda Atomic Energy Board to coordinate nuclear energy technologies, Minister Gatete

Minister Gatete during a news conference on the establishment of Rwanda Atomic Energy Board.

Kigali, 29th October 2020: The cabinet meeting held on 27th October, 2020 approved the Draft Presidential Order establishing Rwanda Atomic Energy Board (RAEB). During a press briefing held today, Minister of Infrastructure Hon. Claver Gatete mentioned that RAEB is expected to set up nuclear facilities based on the international standards, coordinate research and implementation of the Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology project, among other things. “RAEB will play a significant role in accelerating nuclear development in the key sectors of agriculture, health, electricity generation, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, industry, environment, geology and mining, he said.


Minister Gatete mentioned that RAEB will coordinate all research and development of nuclear energy activities in Rwanda, monitor and coordinate safety and security and support nuclear energy applications for sustainable social economic development aligned with the National Strategy for Transformation and Vision 2050.

In the agriculture sector, Minister Gatete said, nuclear based applications (radiation techniques) would be used to increase food crop production through improved soil water nutrients and pest management, to improve livestock productivity through breeding, artificial insemination and disease control and to improve food safety from harmful residues and contaminants in food products due to the pesticides. This in turn will improve the quality of foods exported and boost the country’s exports.


He further said that in the health sector, nuclear technology can be applied to conduct accurate medical diagnosis and used in the treatment of certain diseases such as cancer and others.

In energy sector, this technology will support the current government’s ambition of transitioning to a low-carbon emission by generating and developing a nuclear power plant that is a clean source of energy considering its zero carbon emission.


Rwanda is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and RAEB is expected to set up nuclear facilities based on international standards. IAEA works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies