Automated Infrastructure facilities at Goma-Rubavu border ease cross-border movements.

Automated Passenger Clearance System (APCS) fully operational at the border

Kigali, 16th June, 2016- Citizens from Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo who regularly cross Petite Barrier border linking Rubavu town to Goma in the DRC laud commendable facilities introduced at the border.

Constructions works of Petite Barrier border were completed in 2011in line with easing cross-border movements and trade between two countries.

The border is the first in Rwanda and third in Africa to clear many passengers per day with an average of between 38, 000- 45,000 passengers who cross it in a single day according to Tunga Salim the Border Manager.

Salim revealed that clearance and border checking operations are facilitated by Automated Passenger Clearance System (APCS) fully operational at the border. “With APCS machines, passengers living in sectors bordering with DRC use their Identity cards and the system clear them automatically without spending much time.” Salim said.

Good service delivery at the border is assisted by the availability of migration and Rwanda Revenue Authority administrative offices as well as a Police Station at the border. All these facilities diminished time people used to spend at the border for clearance reasons.

Hakizimana Evariste, is a resident of Nyamyumba Sector bordering with DR Congo, He regularly cross the border for trade purposes. “Currently, it is very easy to cross the border; we just use an Identity Card contrary to previous time, now we do not spend much time here because all needed services are delivered effectively”. Said Hakizimana.

Petite Barrier soon to become a border Post is equipped with new infrastructure facilities that were constructed by the Ministry of Infrastructure through Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA).Currently, La Croniche (Rubavu) One Stop Border Post is under construction between Rubavu and Goma to ease cross border movements and transparency in border operations.

In line with easing transportation with neighboring countries the Government of Rwanda has so far completed construction of 4 One Stop Border Posts including: Kagitumba, Rusumo, Nemba and Ruhwa .Gatuna One Stop Border Post Linking Rwanda to Uganda in Gicumbi District is expected to be completed before end of 2016.