Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority welcomes the outcomes of the Third National Urban Forum

Director General of Rwanda Housing Authority speaking at the closing of the 3rd National Urban Forum in Kigali

Kigali, 11 February, 2019: During the closing of the 3rd National Urban Forum, the Director General (DG) of Rwanda Housing Authority, Eric Serubibi said that the Government of Rwanda recognizes the need for well managed Urbanization and sustainable urban development towards achievement of strategic socio-economic development targets: low middle-income country by 2024, middle income country by 2035, and high-income country by 2050.


“Thus, increased sustainable Urbanization is seen as an appropriate approach to unleash both natural and human resources potentials for development” he said “Urban development creates economic densities by increasing access to infrastructure, facilities, services, and transactions. Well-connected and serviced communities and neighborhood act as hubs for innovations and creativity for socio-economic transformations”.


DG Serubibi noted that since 2013, the period of EDPRS 2, “the Government of Rwanda prioritizes urbanization as driver for economic development and now it is one of the strategic interventions for economic transformation under the National Strategy for Transformation”.


“This because, he said, by achieving a sustainable and inclusive urban development, it will have an impact on well-being of our population, efficient use of land and other natural resources, efficiency in public expenditures on infrastructure and facilities provision, and overall enabling environment for job creation and income generation”.


He called upon all stakeholders to join efforts towards realization of the country’s vision and ultimate better livelihood of citizens with adequate social protection, improved health, and appropriate urban infrastructure.


“The recommendations from this important forum will be translated into tangible actions and implemented with continued collaboration with our development partners, stakeholders, our growing private sector, civil society, and definitely central and local governments” he added.


He said that the forum was an opportunity to share with the partners, stakeholders and the general public, how Rwanda is ready in terms of strategies, policies and initiatives toward achieving the New Urban Agenda in a local context and in all aspects from accountable urban governance, participatory planning for inclusive and people-centered urban growth, cities’ uniqueness and competitiveness, affordable housing for cities dwellers, and how cities are developed based on green cities development concepts to ensure their resilience and adaptation to effect of climate change.


“This forum has been a good platform to assess the progress made toward the implementation of the key recommendations from the last urban forum and the evolution of urbanization in Rwanda since then. It was time to also assess the progress made and what is being done to implement provision of the New Urban Agenda in Rwanda. We have been blessed to be with the Un-Habitat Executive Director, who has hands on experience in city management and shared experience during her reign as city leader and now linking it with global urban development. Her influential remarks, coupled experience and practices shared with different experts, will play a key role in improving our plans for urban development” he concluded.


The Third National Forum was organised under the financial and technical support of the World Bank, UN-

Habitat, Global Green Growth Institute, International Growth Centre, Swiss Agency for Development and

Cooperation (SDC), SKAT Consulting Ltd and Enabel