Capacity building at the Ministry of Infrastructure

The Ministry of Infrastructure is involved in capacity building programs for the sectors under its mandate. These programs include local and international training, exchange and coaching programs. Some of the unique programs include the following:

Young Engineers Skills Development Program (YESDP)

Strategic Capacity Building Initiative (SCBI)  

These home grown solutions are designed to enhance the skills of the future work force for the sector under the ministry's mandate. The programs are designed with close partnership with the ministries of education, finance and the ministry of public service and labour.  The national capacity building secretariat, development partners and local universities are also key stakeholders in capacity building programs of the ministry. 

If you are an existing employee of the Ministry or from an agency of the Ministry and have taken the GMATs, GREs, or the TOEFL exams and are interested to pursue higher education courses, you can contact us to explore how we can assist you to achieve your goals. 

For more information about our capacity building programs, you can send an email to: