To realize the benefits of coherent coordination and Aid effectiveness, Energy Sector Wide Approach Program (E_SWAP) Secretariat was established in 2008. Its main role is to ensure efficient coordination of all sector stakeholders, mobilization of funds, supporting in formulation of sector policies and Strategies.


Sector Coordination (To be put as an item under E-SWAP sub item)

The Sector Coordination is done through conducting Sector Working Groups (SWG), Technical Working Groups (TWG) and High Level Policy Dialogues (HL_PD). The Sector Working Group is conducted at least twice a year during the Forward Looking and Backward Looking Joint Sector Review meetings. It brings together stakeholders from government, development Partners (DPs), Civil Society organizations (CSOs) and Private Sector.  The Energy Sector is chaired by the Ministry of Infrastructure (Permanent Secretary) and Co-chaired by a member from the DP community, the current co-chair is from the World Bank.


The Technical Working Groups are the Technical teams of the Sector Working Group Forum. There are four TWGs of the SWG; Generation and Transmission, Access, Biomass and Energy Efficiency. Each Technical Working Group has a chair from the Ministry and a co-chair from the Development Partners or Private Sector. The Members of the TWGs come from all interested stakeholders for that sub-sector.