7 children reunited with families in Nyaruguru District

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Victory Families Home of Champions last week on Friday April 5, 2013 reintegrated seven of their children with their families in Ngoma Sector, Nyaruguru District. This is part of the ongoing national campaign of finding good and responsible families for children who are currently living under institutional care.
This event was witnessed by the Executive Secretary of the sector, representative from the National Commission for Children (NCC) and the Director of Victory Families Home of Champions. The district committed itself to ensuring that the children continue with their studies and facilitate those families that received the children where necessary. Of the 7 children, only one child was placed in a family with no biological relationship however the other six are related to the recipient families.

One of the grand parents who received a child said “ It was difficult for me to raise the child when she was still a baby but since she has now grown up, i can easily take care of her and meet all her needs”
The institution also promised to keep on monitoring the progress and welfare of the children reintegrated into those families and also to continue finding families for the children still living in their orphanage. Mr Ed Gallegos - Director of VFHC also sought for NCC’s continued support and collaboration to ensure that this reintegration process is done in a very safe way that fits in the best interest of the child.
It’s the national priority that all children are raised and groomed in families to enable them grow well and enjoy love and parental care.