A ten days TMM mobilization campaign attracted more than 14 Malayika Mulinzi aspirants

Two months after NCC and UNICEF conducted a Tubarere Mu Muryango (TMM) community mobilization campaign through live art and drama performance, the outcomes are very promising.

As a result of the campaign, fourteen (14) people have already approached TMM social workers to request for undergoing professional preparation for being Malayika Mulinzi (foster parents).

Madeleine Mujawayezu is one of them. She attended the drama performance held in Kamonyi District. During the telephone interview she said that the story around the actor with disability whose name is Petero stimulated her will.

“The story around Petero touched my heart profoundly. It really showed me the need of foster parents in our community. That’s why I reflected and went to the District to request for undergoing the required process” Said Mujawayezu who deposited her request to Kamonyi District one month ago.

Mujawayezu and other thirteen parents are dispatched in different Districts as it is described in the table below. 


Numbers of families volunteered to become Malayika Murinzi

Other cases (People who provided information that serves for prevention)
































According to Esperance Uwicyeza the TMM Senior Program Manager, the statistics are very promising.

“Some of the objectives of the campaign were encouraging families to re-unite with their children and encouraging people to foster children living in institutions. If we have already got 14 people willing to do so in a short period, it is very promising” She said.

Even though, the fourteen aspirants will have to undergo all professional steps before they are allowed to receive children to assess if they eligible for that.
“It is very good to have people aspiring to be foster parents. We thank them for their humanitarian will. But we will have to assess each and every one’s personal characteristics, circumstances and the potential
for quality and stability of the placement” She noted

The campaign was held since 24th May up to 16th June 2017 in 10 Districts selected in all province and Kigali City. The main objective was to reinforce the needed attitude and behaviour change at community level towards raising children in family and creating a safe and friendly family/community for children where they can enjoy their rights.

The key messages covered in the drama include the importance of raising Children in family, effects of institutional care, giving equal rights, love and care to all children without discrimination, the role of Malayika Murinzi and Inshuti z’umuryango (Friends of family) as well as the importance of preventing child labor, sexual abuse, child abandonment and school dropout.

Testimonies and questions from the audience in different Districts show that the objective was achieved. Marguerite Musabyemaliya, is a foster care in Kamonyi District. She attended the campaign held at Rwina market in the same District.

“I have received a child with disability before but this drama encourages me and strengthens my conviction that all children whether having a disability or not, should all be raised in family” She said.

“I have learnt a lot from the drama. It was very entertaining but also enough educative to stimulate further dialogue and reflection on issues affecting children including discrimination against children with disability “said Cadeau Mukamuhoza Marie Chantal, who attended the drama performance in Rubavu District.

According to Beatrice Kamanyana Rulindo District’s resident, the campaign demystified people’s perception of institutional care.

“I thought that institutions are very good for children. But the drama made it very clear.  The services that are provided by institutions are not sufficient for a child to grow up as an upstanding citizen. A child needs parental love that he can only get from the family. We as parents should make sure that all children are raised in family” She said.

Asked if she can foster a child she responded: “I wish my husband followed the drama. It could help us to reflect on your question. Personally I want to receive one child. But I’m going to discuss with my husband and see if it is possible.” She pointed out.

The Districts officials appreciated the campaign. According to Jean Baptiste Mutabaruka the Director of Good Governance in Huye District the campaign was very useful to raise awareness on child protection.

“This campaign is not only a strong channel to raise awareness on the importance of rising children in family, but also a new powerful approach that can change people’s attitude and behaviour towards creating a safe and friendly family for children. It will certainly reinforce our daily efforts to promote child protection among our citizens” He cited.

The performance was held in Kamonyi, Huye, Rwamagana, Ngoma, Gasabo, Rubavu, Gicumbi, Rulindo, Nyarugenge and Rusizi Districts and has attracted more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) people.

Since 2012 until June, 2017, Tubarerere Mu Muryango program has successfully placed 2,909 children from Institutional care into family-based care.