Children and women killed in the Genocide against the Tutsi were remembered

The Government of Rwanda’s research published in 2005 has revealed that 53,8% of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi victims are under 25 years while 43,3% were female. These victims were particularly remembered on Sunday the 13th May 2018 in all the Districts.

At the National level, the event took place in Kayumba Cell, Nyamata Sector, Bugesera District, under the coordination of the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, its affiliated entities (National Commission for Children and National Women’s Council), CNLG, AVEGA, the District of Bugesera as well as other different government and non-government institutions.

In her remarks, the Minister of Gender and Family Promotion Honorable Esperance Nyirasafari reiterated the importance of remembering children and women killed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Holding a particular remembrance forchildren and women killed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi is an opportunity of condemning the barbarism they faced, learning from our history in order to teach children and youth with the aim of ensuring that Genocide never happens again” She said

Some of the Government Senior officials who attended the event

Speaking at the event, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Honorable Donatille Mukabalisa deplored the pitiful way children and women were killed and called all Rwandans especially children to rally to the fight against the genocide ideology.

“Some irresponsible parents are still transmitting messages that sow hatred and genocide ideology to their children. I urge all children to ignore them. You have to follow and observe constructive and educative messages you receive from the Rwandan good leadership.” She said.

Children were and are still affected by the Genocide. Beside the huge number of children who were killed, many others became orphans or disabled.

According to Dr. Jean Damascene Bizimana, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for the Fight against Genocide (CNLG), there are also another special group of youth with problems that also stem from the Genocide who need a special attention. These are 1,122 children (Now youth) born of rape during Genocide.

“We request the Rwandan community to take care of those born of rape during Genocide. We have to listen to them and welcome them as they have severe psychological wounds due to their past”. He pointed out while describing consequences the Genocide had on children.

The commemoration of children and women killed in the Genocide against the Tutsi attracted hundreds of people including different Government Senior officials, members of parliament as well as Senior army and police staff who laid wreaths of flowers in Cyperus papyrus of Nyabarongo river where many Victims were killed and thrown.