Children appreciate Government for upholding their rights

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Rwanda joined the international community to celebrate the Day of the African Child on 16th June 2012. Celebrations were held in Rwamagana District, Eastern Province. The Day of the African Child is held to remember and honour the Soweto students who stood and fought for their rights.

The Minister of Public Service and Labour, Hon. Anastase Murekezi was the Guest of Honour. The function was attended by children from Rwamagana District, officials from public and civil society institutions, UNICEF Country Representative, Human Rights Representative, officials from the National Commission for Children, the Army and Police, among others.

This year’s theme was ’Let’s build the Rwandan Family, by upholding the rights of Children with disability and eradicating the worst forms of child labour’. At the ceremony in Rwamagana, children presented music and drama appreciating the Government of Rwanda for the achievements made in promoting children’s rights. Children with disabilities, also in attendance expressed appreciation that their rights to play, education and of inclusion have been promoted by the government.

Nkunzurwanda Savier, a student at Home de la Vierge des Pauvres (HVP), Gatagara, noted that children with disabilities are children like others with the capacity to participate in the development of their country. He encouraged other children with disabilities to be confident and assertive.

Despite the progress in promotion of children’s rights, it was noted that some families are still violating the children’s rights especially those with disabilities. The children requested the Government of Rwanda and the Rwandan family as a whole to double their efforts and eradicate this violation.

The Guest of Honour, Hon. Anastase Murekezi reminded attendants that the Day of the African Child is celebrated in conjunction with the Family Day and the Day against worst forms of Child Labour. He pointed out that it is possible to eradicate violence against children if all Rwandans work together. He added that it is important to promote the rights of children to enable them to develop the capacity to participate in the development of their country. He urged children to use their energy, creativity and dynamism positively.

The Guest of Honour also emphasised the importance of cleanliness among children. Guests and community members demonstrated the importance of good hygiene by washing the children and cutting their nails. The children were also given milk to highlight the importance of a nutritious diet to promote healthy development.