Children forums successfully established in Rwanda

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Election of committee members at Gitega Sector, Nyarugenge District

Children forums are platforms given to children by the government of Rwanda to enable them express their views and opinions which are incorporated into government plans of action and also considered during the development of various policies and programs. Rwanda values the children’s right to participation which gives children an opportunity to have an active role in their family, school and community, especially regarding decisions related to their harmonious development.

Committees of children forums are democratically established by children under the age of 18 through free and fair elections and guidelines developed by the coordinating national authority. This year, the National Commission for Children (NCC) organized and held elections for the children forums from July 27, 2012 to August 28, 2012. The month long event involved numerous activities such as dissemination of guidelines regulating establishment of these forums from village to District level, awareness and involvement of the different stakeholders and the media, mobilizing children across the country and monitoring the smooth running of elections.

The actual elections kicked off from August 16 at the village and cell levels and ended on August 22, 2012 at the District levels. Committees made up of 6 children including one child representing children with disabilities were successfully setup at each level across the country.

These elections attracted big numbers of children who expressed a lot of enthusiasm especially during the campaigns and struggle by some candidates who were willing to represent other children on these committees. The girls’ participation was also very exceptional where in some places, they swooped more sits than their male counterparts on the executive committees.

These children forums have a term for 3 years only renewable when the child is still meets the eligibility criteria specified in the guidelines regulating the establishment of these elections. The elected members of the executive committees at the different decentralized levels will be empowered to enable them meet their mandate. NCC will collaborate with Districts and other partners to train these children in order to strengthen their capacity in areas of children’s rights, good governance and about their responsibilities as committee members.