De-institutionalization reaping early success in Rwanda

Since the adoption of the Strategy for National Child Care Reform by the Government of Rwanda in March this year and its implementation plan for two years, commendable progress has been done and early successes realized. This strategy aims at finding sustainable alternative ways for nurturing children living in institutions or orphanages to enable them regain their right to live in a loving, safe and supportive family environment.

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Since the launch of the strategy, numerous awareness campaigns have been held across the country. Authorities at both national and sub national levels, church leaders and media practitioners were sensitized and trained in order to facilitate the smooth running of the program.

A total of 622 out of the 3153 children and young adults living in institutions have been reunited with their families and those whose families were not traceable were placed into foster care families. This is being carefully done in order to prevent future dropouts through preparing children and families, family strengthening and training in order to prevent the underlying root causes of neglecting children.

2 out the 34 registered institutions have so far been closed and are being transformed into productive income generating activities. 56 children who were living in Mpore Pefa located in Kicukiro District have all been reintegrated into loving families and the institution is being transformed into a milk collecting center whereas Girimpuhwe located in Gatsibo District which had 52 children has also been successfully closed and the center is being facilitated to start up a piggery and poultry project.

In order to enhance the sustainability of this activity, the process of recruiting social workers and psychologists in all the orphanages by the government is in ongoing. These staff will help to conduct child and family preparation to address identified risks and needs (psychosocial support, economic support, education, health, shelter and household equipment).

In a meeting held by NCC and representatives of its partner organizations on September 5, 2012 at Lemigo hotel to review the progress of implementing this national strategy, partners pledged their full support and commitment in smooth implementation of the remaining phases. The partners also expressed their appreciation towards the tangible progress achieved so far since the kickoff of the program and promised to participate in the remaining phases of the program.