Districts urged to efficiently monitor the situation of children in families

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Participants at the meeting

In a two days meeting which was organized in Kigali by the National Commission for Children (NCC) from 23-24/05/2013 that brought together staff from Provinces, Districts, NGOs and other government partners evolved on how best to enhance collaboration and also to improve on the implementation of different laws and policies concerning the wellbeing of children in Rwanda.
The objective of this meeting was to share the progress of different NCC programs and also discuss about the other planned activities. The meeting also aimed at defining the roles of the various stakeholders to facilitate in the execution of different strategies, planning of activities and routine reporting.
At the end of the meeting, a number of resolutions were adopted which included the following:

  1. Integrating children activities in the Districts’ performance contracts and action plans in order not to interrupt with their smooth implementation;
  2. Established mechanisms for monitoring the situation of children who have been moved from orphanages into foster families;
  3. Identifying needy families which adopted children and provide them with financial support to improve on their economic conditions;
  4. Develop a plan to expedite the identification of vulnerable children in the whole country;
  5. Start making preparations for celebrating the Day of African Child which is celebrated on 16th of June of every year etc.

In her closing remarks, the Executive Secretary of NCC, Madam NYIRAMATAMA Zaina emphasized on the need for more collective efforts in managing the challenges faced and strive for the common vision of the nation where children enjoy their rights.

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