First Lady, commended Rwandan women urging them to fight teenage pregnancy

Mrs. Jeannette Kagame commended Rwandan women, but challenged them on a number of issues including those affecting children.

Speaking at the International Women’s Day celebrations on the 8th March,2017, The First Lady, Mrs. Jeannette Kagame, praised Rwandan women for their role in the country development agenda.

“As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we also take the time to reflect and celebrate great achievements accomplished by Rwandan women,”She pointed out

However, she reminded them to take more responsibility for tackling serious issues affecting the society like teenage pregnancy as well as insanitary, domestic violence and malnutrition.

“As we preserve the Dignity Regained, let’s reflect on serious issues affecting the Rwandansociety. Why are we still seeing teenage pregnancies while they have grave consequences on girls?Why are some children still suffering from malnutrition leading to stuntingwhile we have different programs like early childhood development centers, village kitchen, kitchen garden and Girinka?” she asked.

She urged Rwandan women to coach children on gender parity at a very young age, for shared benefits of families and the country.

On the other hand, Mrs.Kagame advised Rwandan children, especially girls, to be aware of their problems and avoid those who push them into bad practice.

“We want you to be aware of serious issues surrounding you. Feel free to discuss them with your parents to search for solutions together and avoid those who deceive you to destroy your future.” Said Mrs. Kagame

At the same occasion, Mrs.Kagame pledged Rwandan women, to play an important role in eradicating domestic violence and insanitaryconditions.

“Why do we still have insanitary while Rwandan women are known for keeping their residences clean? Why do we still experience domestic violence while there is “Umugoroba w’ababyeyi” program, where domestic conflicts should be solved before generating any danger? She wondered

The international Women’s Day was celebrated in Shyira Sector, Nyabihu District in Western province. The celebrations were under the theme ‘Preserving the Dignity Regained.” It was celebrated while the Government of Rwanda is conducting a third anti-teenage pregnancy campaign as part of the efforts made to prevent and educate the Rwandans about the issue.The campaign has a special focus on secondary schools.