Gender Accountability Day 2018: More than 1200 children were registered while 100 teen mothers were supported.

In the framework of Gender Accountability Day 2018 (GAD 2018), more than 1200 children whose births were not recorded in advance from 14 Sectors of Nyagatare District have been registered in the register of births while one hundred (100) vulnerable teen mothers were mapped and supported with one mattresses and one “Igitenge)” each.

GAD 2018 was held in Nyagatare Distict from 23rd to 24th May 2018, under the theme “Sustaining Gender Equality Gains, Accelerating Momentum for Sustainable Development”.

The event was organized by the National Gender Machinery in partnership with its partners and Nyagatare District to celebrate and sustain gender equality and women empowerment gains, to fight against GBV as well as promoting ECD Programme.

While speaking at the event, the Mayor of Nyagatare District George Mupenzi said that as part of GAD 2018, many activities were conducted in the District. These activities include child registration free of charge, awareness on fighting against child sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy and marriage legalization.

“Within three weeks we managed to register 1,229 children who whose births were not registered while many couples including 156 here present legalized their marriage” He said

The numbers are likely to increase considerably as the Eastern province decided to continue gender accountability activities through undergoing a family month. The month from 22nd May – 22nd June 2018, will focus on family issues including child registration, prosecuting child defilement cases and legalizing marriage. It will also serve as an opportunity to discuss mechanisms to further improve institutional accountability to gender equality and GBV service delivery and also raise awareness on gender accountability and GBV prevention and response.

 “The family month is a special offer to our people as some of the services like birth registration (In case not done within 30 days) and marriage legalization will be free of charge while they are usually paid”. Said Fred Mufulukye the Governor of the Eastern Province in a press conference after GAD celebration.

While officiating the event, the Minister of Gender and Family Promotion Hon. Nyirasafari Esperance commended partners’ efforts in promoting gender equality in Nyagatare district, and advised the community to avoid family conflicts and also timely report all Gender Based Violence cases for quick response and handling.

Within GAD 2018 framework, GS Rwimiyaga was supported with girls’ room equipment to facilitate girls continue classes during their menstruation periods. The equipment include bed, mattress, bed sheets, chairs, table, bathing soap, body lotion, plastic basin, Sanitary pads, Toilet paper, under wear and a first aid kit.

In addition, the National Commission for Children (NCC) has provided psychological support to victims of sexual abuse through the support provided by ARCT Ruhuka. NCC has also supported one hundred vulnerable teen mothers with one mattress and one “Igitenge” per teen mother as part of the package to improve their livelihood and their effective reintegration in the communities.

Both mattress and “Igitenge” as well as girls’ room equipment were provided by the National Commission for Children with the financial support of Hope and Homes for Children. Other activities conducted in the framework of GAD 2018 include raising public awareness on ECD Programme services, growth monitoring to measure height for age for children, providing health services like family planning as well as voluntary HIV test and other non-communicable diseases as well as fighting against teenage pregnancy.